Chapter 32

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Hunter’s POV-

I wait in the hospital room with Mallory. She’s still asleep, but she’s breathing, and that’s enough for me. A few minutes later her eyes open, “Hunter?” she looks at me.

“You’re awake!” I exclaim and hug her close to me.

“Yeah,” she smiles.

The doctor comes in and checks her out to make sure that she’s okay. He told me to carefully watch her when she goes home.

“I wanna leave this place,” she groans.

“I know you do,” I say.

“Get me out of here!”

I laugh, “I can’t. Not yet.”

We found out soon after that it was the medication she was taking that made her ‘faint’, and that she only needs to take one pill a day instead of two. When we go home, she stops as she’s about to walk in.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

She turns to me and smiles, “I remember.”

I stare at her for a moment, “you remember what?”


I smile and hug her, “that’s great!” I exclaim.

She laughs, “Ready to continue?”

“Continue what?”

“From where we left off.”

I nod, not sure what she meant. We walk in and she starts to make hot chocolate. I smile when I remember how we use to do this when we were younger. I watch closely to see if she remembers what we use to do next. She walks over to a drawer beside the television and takes out the movie we’d always watch near christmas. 

She sits it in front of the TV and goes upstairs. She’s come back down with her pajamas on, and mine in her left hand. I smile and change into them, coming downstairs a few minutes later after I’m ready for bed.

She puts the movie in the DVD Player, and I walk over to get our hot chocolates. She’s sitting on the couch and I sit down beside of her. I hand her the hot chocolate in my right hand and she kisses me. I smile and kiss her back.

She lays her head on my lap and I play with her hair as we watch the movie. She’d sit up every time she wanted some of her hot chocolate. By the time the movie is over, she’s already drank all of her hot chocolate, and she’s fast asleep with her head laying on my lap. I pick her up and carry her, bridal style, to bed, ready for the next day, where we’d pick up where we left off before the plane crash.

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