Chapter 28

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Hunter’s POV-

She thinks for a little while, “I don’t know. I might just need a little more time.”

I nod sadly and she notices my sadness and hugs me, “I’m sorry. But I’m sure I’ll remember.” 

I smile and hug her, “I love you, Mal.”

“I love you too,” she says and thinks again, furrowing her eyebrows.

“Whats on your mind?” I ask.

“Hunter… was I…”

“Were you what?”

“Was I… dying?” she stares at me waiting for a response.

“You remember that?” I ask.

“Well, whenever I went to the doctor, he said something about my cancer was gone?”

My eyes light up, “I knew you didn’t have much longer… but it’s because you had cancer?”

“I suppose so,” she says, “but he said it’s gone. And he thinks I’m gonna make it.” she smiles widely.

“Yes!” I cheer. “So you’re not gonna….”

“Nope! I’m here and I’m staying.” she smiles.

She giggles at my happiness, trying to calm me down while she tries to calm herself down from laughter.

“Wait Hunter…” she says.


“I remember something!”

“What is it?”

“Well…. It’s just one thing, but it’s one thing I’d really want to remember.” she smiles.

I smile at her, “Well come on! Tell me.”

“I don’t remember anything else, but one thing I do remember is that…” she gives me a kiss on the lips, “I’m in love with you."

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