Chapter 2

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Mallory's POV

I walked down the hallway back to my room. I stand in the doorway and see Hunter reading my journal. He closes it as he speaks.

"You're beautiful, Mallory. And I love you."

My cheeks turn red and he looks up at me. I smile at him a little.

"Why did you write all these negative things about yourself?" He asks, sounding a bit angry.

"I just wrote how I felt. I-"

"Stop it!"

He stood up and I walked into my room slowly, shaking a little. This was the first time he's ever  been angry with me. I felt my eyes getting watery.

"You're beautiful! Okay?!"

"Hunter P-Please don't be mad. I didn't mean anything b-by it I-"

I was too scared to finish. He reached down and picked up my journal and pulled out the only page I wrote on.

"Lies! They're all lies Mallory! Your way prettier than those models! And it's okay to be different. And I'll always have time for you, okay? And I love your freckles and I just, I- I love you!"

He spoke to me as he ripped up the page into pieces and threw the pieces into the trashcan.

The tears in my eyes disappeared and a small smile appeared on the corner of my lips.
He was the only boy that made me feel wanted.

"You love me?" I said as my head hung down a little and I still smiled.

He looked down and his face turned a little red. He nodded and smiled a little.

He did love me the way I loved him.

"I love you too." I said quietly.

He looked up at me and grinned.

"You do?" He asks surprised.

"I have since 4th grade."

"M-Me too." He smirked at me.


"Go on a date with me."

My eyes widened. "Me?"

"Yeah. You're the only girl here."

I nod quickly and he laughs.

"When?" I ask.

"Tomorrow? 6:30?"

"Perfect. Where are you staying?"

"Well I was hoping here."

I nod and he smiles.

-The next day (Saturday)-

I wake up and from the sunlight through the blinds, finding myself in Hunter's embrace.
I turn and look at him already awake staring at me.

"Mornin'" he says startling me.

"Good morning."

He laughs. "Sorry I scared you."

I shake my head smiling. I sit up and stretch before throwing my legs over the edge of the bed and standing up. He stands up too and we walk downstairs. I pour the cereal on two bowls of cereal. Then I pour two glasses of orange juice.

"Here." I say smiling and setting the bowl and glass on the table in front of him.

"Lucky charms!" He says.

And then we start eating breakfast.

Hunter's POV

I eat her favorite cereal for breakfast. I always found it cute that she eats all the marshmallows first. She's done it her whole life.

"So what made you decide to come to Breaux Bridge?" She asked me. I shrugged.

"I had this week off, so I just came."

She nodded.

"I'm going to see my parents today. Do you want to come?" I ask.


We finish eating and put clothes on. I wear Black skinny jeans, my Rubik's cube shirt, and my black converse. She wears white overall shorts and a pink shirt under them, with pink vans.
Then we brush our teeth.

"Ready to go?" I ask her.


We walk out the door and get in her blue Chevrolet.

I pull into my parent's driveway, and she opens the door before we get to it.

"Hunter!" My mom Lynette yells.

"Hey mom." I say and hug her.

"Leo! Hunter is here!"

We see my dad walk out of the kitchen.

"What a surprise!" He says and hugs me.

"Hey dad."

Me and Mallory walk in and sit down on the couch and talk to my mom and dad.
After hours, I look at the clock on my phone and see its 5:43.

"Mom, we need to go." I say.

"Why so soon?" She asks.

"Well- because me and Mallory are going on a date."

"YES! I've been waiting for so long!" She squeals.

Mallory laughs that beautiful laugh of hers and I smile.

"Well, I'm staying for a week. I'll see you again before I leave." I say.

"Ok." Leo says and smiles at us.

"Bye guys." I say and hug my parents and Mallory does the same.

"Bye." They say as we walk out the door.

We get back in the car and drive home and go in different rooms to get ready. It takes Mallory about five more minutes after I'm ready. I stand at the door in my tux and wait. I hear a door open and see Mallory walk down the steps in a beautiful blue dress that comes to her knees. She has her hair curled with lip gloss on. My eyes widen.

"Woah." I say.

She stops and the bottom of the stair case and looks at her outfit.

"I knew I shouldn't have worn this!" She says and starts to walk up the stairs. I grab her hand and she turns to look a me.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"I'm going to change."

"No you aren't gorgeous." I say and she blushes.

We walk out the door and get in my car. I was ready for the best night ever.

Still Fallin' (Hunter Hayes Love Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن