Chapter 15

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Mallory's POV-

One year. It's been one year since me and Aaron started dating. I haven't talked to Hunter in months. He hasn't texted or called or anything, and to be honest, it kind of breaks my heart. I mean, just because we broke up doesn't mean we're not best friends, does it? He's probably already moved on. There's people who saw him with another girl, believing that she's his new girlfriend.

Raelynn is currently at my house helping me get ready for my one year anniversary date with Aaron. She's got me in a silver dress that comes to my knees. Kind of sparkly, but not really. At least it's not a tight dress like she wears. I can't stand anything tight. The dress has no sleeves, or anything like that. It's a really pretty dress anyways.

She puts on my make-up and straightens my hair. I'm sitting in a spinning chair, and she spins me, making me go in a circle as she straightens every little part of my hair, making it completely straight. When she's done, she spins me to face the mirror. "What do you think?" She asks.

"I love it,' I say smiling up at her. "Thank you."

I stand up and hug her before hearing a knock at the door. "That's him," I smile widely. She nods and we walk downstairs. I open the door and see Aaron in a tuxedo.

"Lookin' Spiffy, Mister Stone." I say.

"Lookin' Gorgeous, Miss Collins." He responds. He looks over and sees Raelynn. "Oh, uh... Hi."

"Hi." Raelynn says.

"Well, we better get goin' Mal. We have ten minutes to get there."

"Okay," I say. I turn to Raelynn, "Talk to you later."

"I'll talk to you when you get back."

I smile and walk out the door hand in hand with Aaron. He drives us, and then we finally end up at Olive Garden. He walks over to my side of the car to open the door for me, and I take his hand as he helps me out of the car. We walk in and a waitress, named Jessica with light brown hair, walks us over to a table for two. She hands us a menu, and me and Aaron order tea for a drink.

It's not long before she returns with our salads and we begin to eat. Aaron finishes when I'm almost done with mine.

Hunter's POV-

I have a show in my hometown tomorrow, so I came a day early to visit my parents for a while and I'm planning on going to see Mallory because she probably thinks I have nothing to do with her anymore and she's probably thinking I don't care about her anymore, but I do and I always will be here for her.

Tonight, me and my parents are going to dinner tonight and I'm at their house right now.

"So, mom, where are we going to dinner tonight?"

"Olive Garden." She smiles. I smile and nod, "That sounds good."

My dad drives while I sit in the back and my mom rides in the passenger seat, and soon we pull into the parking lot.

Mallory's POV-

I've finished my salad and now I am finishing the last of my tea.

"Ready to go?" I ask standing up when I finish my drink.

"No, not yet." He says and I sit back down slowly, giving him a confused look.

"What is it?" I ask and soon realize what's happening when he kneels in front of me, pulling a small box out of his pocket and opening it, with a diamond ring inside of it.

"Marry me?" He asks.

"Yes!" I say without any hesitation. He slides the ring on my left hand ring finger before we both stand up and we kiss each other on the lips.

When we break from the kiss, I look over and see Hunter with the most saddest expression I've ever seen.

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