"Yes, but we don't drink human blood." Carlisle said.

"Why?" Brianna asked.

"We don't want to hurt anyone." Carlisle said.

"Then, how do you get blood?" Brianna asked.

"We feed on animals instead." Carlisle said. "We call ourselves vegetarians."

Brianna snickered at the irony. Vegetarians don't eat animals.

"Yes. We're not oblivious to the irony." Carlisle said. "Moving on."

"Are there any others like you guys?" Brianna asked.

"Yes. There's a coven that lives in Alaska." Carlisle said. "They feed on animals as well."

"What happens when you walk in the sun?" Brianna asked.

"Why don't I show you." Carlisle said. He held his hand out. When Brianna took it, she flinched a little bit from his cold touch.

"Sorry." Carlisle said.

Brianna took his hand again and Carlisle pulled her onto his back.

"What are you doing?" Brianna asked.

"Going out of the cloud bank." Carlisle said. "Hold on tight." Brianna wrapped her arms around Carlisle's neck and before she could say anything, Carlisle took off running. Brianna saw the trees whip by her as Carlisle ran at an inhuman speed. After a minute, he came to a stop. "You alright?" Carlisle asked as he set her down.

"Yeah." Brianna typed. "So, what happens when you walk in the sun."

Carlisle walked over to where the sun was, unbuttoning the first few buttons on his shirt. He turned to face Brianna. She saw that his skin was shining, almost like diamonds were on his skin.

Brianna walked over to him and put her hand on his chest. "It's beautiful." She typed as she looked up at him. She saw that he was looking down at her. They stayed quiet for a few moments, just staring into each other's eyes.

"Come on." Carlisle said, breaking the silence. "I need to get back to the hospital." Brianna nodded. Carlisle put her on his back again and took off. After a minute or two, he stopped and set Brianna down as they walked the rest of the way.

"So, what does this mean for me?" Brianna asked.

"What do you mean?" Carlisle asked.

"The last time I came to the hospital to talk to you, you said that you felt protective of me." Brianna typed. "What did you mean by that?"

"Vampires have mates." Carlisle said. "Kind of like a soulmate."

"What does that mean?" Brianna asked.

"When a vampire meets their mate, it's very difficult for them to stay away from that person." Carlisle explained. Brianna nodded. "Brianna, you're my mate and I like you. Actually, even though we haven't known each other for that long, I already know I'm in love you." Carlisle continued. "But, I would understand if you didn't feel the same way."

"I like you too, Carlisle." Brianna typed.

"Are you sure?" Carlisle asked. "I don't want to force you to be with me, if you don't want to."

"I've liked you from the first moment I saw you." Brianna typed.

"Alright, then." Carlisle said. They got to the entrance of the hospital.

"Uh. I don't have a ride to school." Brianna typed.

"How did you get here?" Carlisle asked.

"Bella dropped me off." Brianna typed.

"I'll text Rosalie and Alice." Carlisle said. He took his phone out and texted them. "They're on their way." He said. "Do you want to wait in my office?" Brianna nodded.

"Can I ask you something?" Brianna typed, once they were in his office.

"Sure. Go ahead." Carlisle said.

"How are you able to be a doctor and be around blood at the time?" Brianna asked.

"I spent many decades getting my thirst under control." Carlisle explained. "By now, it doesn't faze me anymore."

"Was it hard when you first became a doctor?" Brianna asked.

"Yeah. A little bit." Carlisle said.

"Why did you decide to become a doctor?" Brianna asked.

"I figured that since I was going to live an eternal life, I might as well get some use out of it and do some good." Carlisle said. "I like knowing that my vampire abilities allow me to help people in ways others can't." Brianna nodded. She felt her phone vibrate and looked at it.

"Alice and Rosalie are here." She typed before she stood up.

"I'll see you later, Brianna." Carlisle said.

"Bye Carlisle." Brianna said. She walked outside and saw Alice and Rosalie waiting.

"Hey Brianna." Alice greeted her when she got into the car. Brianna waved to them. "So, you and Bella know about us now?" Alice asked.

"Yeah." Brianna typed.

"Cool." Alice said. "How about we ditch school and me and Rose can tell you more about us."

"Sounds like a plan." Brianna said. They went back to their house and hung out with Alice and Rosalie the rest of the day.

The Mute Girl( A Twilight fanfic & a Carlisle love story)Where stories live. Discover now