I'll Protect You

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Chapter 4

*Tommy's POV*

Me & Adam had arrived at our room at around 5. I was really excited to spend some time with Adam. He said he had a surprise for me, I really hate surprises. Adam fished out the keycard from his pocket & slid it into the reader & soon enough we granted access. Adam opened the door for me & I entered. I came to the living room to see pillows on the floor & curtains hanging from the ceiling. How did he do this?

"Do you like it?" he came from behind me & wrapped his arms around me.

"I love it," I manage to say because I was stunned of what I'm seeing, "How did you do this?" I turn around to face him.

"I called some room decorators & they did their magic," he smiled.

"You didn't have to do this, watching a movie would be fine with me, without all of this," I looked back at the little fort.

"I wanted to make it special," he placed his hand on my cheek. I smiled.

"What do you plan on doing, tonight?"

"We're going to watch a movie, your favorite movie."

"Friday The 13th?!" I asked. He nodded, "You know me, so well, Babyboy," I hugged him with biggest hugs I could ever give.

"Go get changed into your PJ's, so we can cuddle," he instructed me.

"Okay," I took out a shirt & boxers. I walked to the bathroom to change when Adam stood in front of me, not letting me go to the bathroom,"Adam, please move," I tried to move to the sides but that failed.

"No, not until you kiss me," he's such a little kid. I lean in & our lips met. My hands trailed to his hair as I played with his hair. He deepen the kiss as I licked his lips, trying to grant access. I had granted access & I slit my tongue in his mouth. I pulled back & ran to the bathroom door. I locked the door when I entered the bathroom, "You fucking tease," I started laughing my ass off. I changed into my clothes & exited the bathroom. I didn't see Adam when got out the bathroom. I look around the living room he wasn't there,"Boo!"

"Ahh!" I fell on the floor seeing Adam laughing his ass off, "That's not funny, you fucking asshole."

"Y-yes it w-was," he tried to speak, but he was still laughing.

"Now, you're gonna get it," I saddled over him & started tickling him. He was still laughing, he had an adorable laugh.

"N-no, stop!" he tried to me stop, but failed.

"No, not until you apologize," I continue to tickle him.

"Okay, I'm s-sorry!" I stopped tickling him, but I still on him. He was breathing heavily. I pinned his arms to the floor.

"Learned your lesson," I smirked.

"Yes," I breathed out.

"C'mon let's go watch that movie," I got off of him & held out my hand. He took it & I helped him up.

"I'll get you back," he warned me.

"Oh, I'm scared," I acted like I was scared. I laughed. I took my seat on one of the pillows. Adam popped the movie in the DVD Player & sat next to me. The movie began, but I know what parts are there I seen this before many times. I rest my knees up against my body I always do this when I'm watching a movie. I can tell that Adam was scared he jumped at some of the parts, "It's okay, Adam I'll protect you," I wrap my arms around him. He chuckled, "This is my favorite part!" I let go of Adam & watched the screen.

"Holy, shit!" he fell back. I started laughing, "That's not funny," he sat up.

"Yeah, it is."

"Fuck you," he looked at me.

"Yes, please," I joked around. He turn away from me, "Aww, baby, I was only kidding," I wrapped my arms around him once again, "Please, forgive me," I kissed his neck. I waited for his response.

He chuckled, "Okay," he turned around & plant his lips on mine. He pulled away, "Do you want to go to bed or want to stay up a little bit longer?"  he asked. I yawned, "I guess, sleep, right."

I nodded, "Can we cuddle?"

"Yes, of course, Glitterbaby," he picked me up with his strong arms & carried me to the bed, bridal style. He pulled the covers over us & he put his arms around my small body, "Good night, Glitterbaby," he placed a small kiss on my cheek.

"Sweet dreams, Babyboy," with that I drifted to sleep.

A/N: Thanks, for being patient with the fanfic. I'm really happy to do this for my Glamily. I still need help with some of the scenes. Please comment what kind of scene should I do. Thanks again for being patient. Bye, love you Glamily.

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