Twenty Four.

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Hiiii. How are you guys?? I know I've not updated in quite a while but ehh I've been busy.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

Tell me what y'all think.

Lots of love.

Off to write golden now!!

Off to write golden now!!

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"Who are you?"

Out of all the questions that he could have asked me, out of all the questions that he could have got an answer to, out of all the things he could have said and out of all the ways he could have reacted after seeing me sitting in his apartment, the one question he asked was who I really was.

Seeing him after so many days, after not even being his anymore, after being married to a man that I did not love, after going through something that traumatized and strengthened me at the same time, it was still not easy.

Looking at Iskandar felt like looking at every particle of the universe that could have made me happy. I realised that he was the only one who actually could make me happy. He was a combination of all the particles of the damn universe, he was a combination of every happy feeling that I could feel and to know that I could never be his and he could never be mine, the feeling itself was haunting.

Truthfully, he had not moved ever since he had seen me. I knew that something has changed between us, he had secrets that I did not know about and I had secrets that he did not know of. He was the man I had left without even a goodbye and I was the woman who had hurt him with my constant lies, yet I did not know of his truth either.

His face was very calm, there was no resentment or hatred on it. I did not know why he was not being as expressive as before but I reckoned it was because things had actually changed between us.

After a short while of silence, I decided to answer this question with simple murmur of my name. He had asked me who I was and truthfully, all I really knew about myself was my name.


Loyalty. The meaning of my name. And today I felt ashamed to say it out loud. Because the last thing I had been to him was loyal. I had been disloyal because I had betrayed him by not even saying a goodbye. I had been disloyal to protect him and to protect myself but many reasons and many excuses could not change the fact that I had been disloyal.

Iskander stared at me, looking at me from my head to my toe, shaking his head as if he couldn't believe my presence in this room.

He took a step towards me but then he stopped, as if some force had tried to pull him away from me. When he did not say anything even after my answer, I knew what I had to say.

Every night after my marriage, I dreamt of seeing Iskander again telling him every beautiful sentence that existed in this world. I dreamt of being in his arms, happy. Yet, today I was here in front of him and I was struggling with my words. So was he.

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