fifty five.

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There's a surpriseeee! This chapter is my favourite so far 💜💜 angsty, painful ish but also queen shit idk you'll understand when you read.

12k plus words!!! What the fuck omg.

when I started to write agar tum saath ho, my literal inspiration was sarees and you'll understand what I mean when you read further. Anyway, long chapter so hope you will enjoy it.

Thank you so much for reading. I love you guys and all your support ❤️

 I love you guys and all your support ❤️

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"Yes, Dad."

He talked over the phone, waiting in the car as his father spoke over the phone line.

"he was obviously devastated but I assured him that we will do everything that we can to avenge his son."

Wajeeh told his father, informing him of all that had went down at the federal Minister's residence.

"He said that the Prime Minister was looking to eradicate The Mafia from the country and both of us agreed which is kind of ironic because we are the Mafia."

He still remembered the look he shared with Iskander, as the federal Minister went on and on about how Mafia were completely destroying the country and how focused all of them were in trying to eradicate them completely. His main focus was obviously on Malik Balaaj, the man who was responsible for the death of his son.

"He knew Iskander already. Apparently, he has a much better image than us with all these people."

Iskander sat there as an honorable businessman, with more knowledge and more recognition than Wajeeh. He was years older than Wajeeh, it was understandable.

"It is understandable. Iskander never got himself involved with Mafia business on the front. Gulsher handles all of that. For the world, Iskander Challan is simply the heir to Challan Fertilizers." His father replied, and Wajeeh hummed in return.

Shah Masroor then decided to fill him in on another matter.

"There was a call from the Prime Minister office today. They said that the Prime Minister is hosting a charity gala for his wife's foundation,"


"He said that I was the talk of the news because I met up with the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister house sent out a statement that I was donating a heavy amount at the charity gala in Lahore. Now, they are asking for an appearance."

Wajeeh frowned, since he knew that his father hardly attended such events here in Pakistan. He enjoyed being Shah Masroor Sheherzaad here, he didn't like to put on the facade of being the American Pakistani business tycoon.

"I told them that my son and my daughter in law will be there since my son is the heir of all that I own."

Of course.

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