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This chapter will tell everything there is to know about Mannat and Wajeeh.

It was such an interesting chapter to write.

Please check out the previous chaps if you haven't already and make sure to vote, comment and promote :)

They had known each other for a very long time.

They went to pre school together, granted that he was the nerd and she was the free spirit at that time but they were still friends, good friends.

They didn't like each other much during middle school though, since he was a class senior than her and always tried to control her behavior. She fought with him all the time, it wasn't something new.

In high-school, Mannat had alot of fun. Wajeeh failed his classes due to his undivided attention on sports and had to repeat. Teasing him became her new favourite during that time. Wajeeh didn't really mind her teasing since she always apologised after it and gave him that smile, the one that made all his anger go away.

Mannat was sixteen when Wajeeh asked her out for the first time. She was the pretty girl that usually came to family dinners, the only pretty girl he knew at all the gatherings and the parties. They didn't care for each other much at school, not in that sense anyway but, it was right before her graduation when Wajeeh actually asked her to be his girlfriend.

She didn't refuse. How could she? This was Wajeeh after all. She didn't know whether he had asked her to be his girlfriend because he didn't want her to go to prom with someone else or if he genuinely liked her. Mannat didn't care, she liked that he had proposed to her either way.

Wajeeh had picked up Mannat for prom himself, had told her how beautiful she looked, had kissed her at midnight and he had then dropped her back home.

During the holidays, they would eat breakfast together almost every single day, it became a habit. They became a habit for one another.

Two weeks later, Wajeeh flew to Pakistan with his family for vacations, Mannat didn't hear from him for three months after that.

She just made sure that no one knew her boyfriend had simply left, without even informing her.

Mannat carried on with her life.

So what if Wajeeh had been her first boyfriend? She didn't love him.

She didn't care that he had left.

Wajeeh came back to see that Mannat already had a new boyfriend. He didn't mind. He talked it out with Mannat and they were back to being friends again.

Wajeeh went to university as the son of Masroor Shah

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Wajeeh went to university as the son of Masroor Shah. He majored in business, just like his father had all those years ago.

He didn't want to major in business but he knew that Mannat had already taken up business courses in college and he would hate to look like an idiot in front of her when they finally took over the company together.

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