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Long chapter. Pretty sort of intense. Please make sure to vote and comment, tell me what you think :)))


Mannat x Wajeeh.

"You know when you find yourself sitting in a bar, you should atleast have the courtesy to order alcohol." His voice reached her ears and she let out a small sigh.

She already knew that he wouldn't leave her alone. She had known that he would follow her, he was the kind of person who hated not getting answers and she had refused to give them to him.

Instead, she had simply left the suite and sat in the only place that she found less crowded in the entire hotel.

The bar.

She had ordered a Margarita for courtesy sake but had not even sipped a single bit of it, instead she had just been thinking and thinking.

She did not know what had overcame him. She did not know why he was even asking all these questions now, did not know what he wanted from her, did not know why he was bringing up the past.

The only thing she knew was that the more answers she gave to him, the more questions he would ask.

She was just not ready to do that.

Wajeeh had taken a few minutes himself before coming downstairs, only to find her sitting in a bar, playing with her Margarita, deep in thoughts.

He slid beside her, hearing her shrug as she took a few seconds to respond to him.

"I don't drink." She mumbled with a small shrug, Wajeeh sensed the tension she held within herself, the kind that made things a little awkward.

"There are better choices than a mint margarita I'm sure." He tried to lighten up the mood, looking at the bartender as he ordered a drink for himself and one for her.

"A virgin mojito and a scotch." He said to the man, then turned around to look at her face properly.

Wajeeh put his hand on the bar shelf, leaning against it.

All the what ifs in his head were only causing more and more confusion, he just wanted to have a clear picture of her, of them.

This was Mannat. He knew that it did not make much sense. Hell, it didn't make sense to him even. But ever since he had seen Mannat with Aaron and purposely broken them up, the thought of her being with anyone else had been too overwhelming.

Wajeeh thought about it for an entire night. What if Mannat met someone special and decided to be with him? What would he do then? He would get all the freedom he still had right now but he would not have Mannat.

There would be no point in anything. He cherished his freedom, his youth but Mannat? He could not lose her.

She was a sensible person, the kind that wanted everything in life. She wouldn't wait for him to get his shit together, he knew that much.

"You stormed out of there like a mad lady. I was worried." He started off, knowing that they need to talk. They needed to communicate.

"I wanted some space." Mannat replied, drinking the virgin mojito. She cringed at the taste.

Wajeeh took a sip of his scotch.

"You didn't answer my question." He stated, waiting to hear what she had to say to that.

Mannat turned her head to stare at him.

"I didn't have an answer, Wajeeh." She said, her voice merely above a whisper.

Agar Tum Saath Ho. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora