Humans Vs Pixies

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Gary and his Followers went deep into the forest, shouting Mina's name.
They searched high and low but couldn't find her.
A very lanky guy, with a moustache called Matyyu came to Gary and asked him. "The North Faraway Castle right?"
Gary nodded.
"Well we have been long because she is probably there-" He added "All we have to do is cross through the Pixie Realm and that's another problem, but don't worry I have someone who can help us.
An old woman with a pointy nose, wrinkles and piercing green eyes came out.
"This is my Grandmother,"
Everyone stood in shock.
"She has a potion that can turn is into Pixies and we can enter and leave in peace."
The woman shook her head "Also the potion makes you think like a pixie. Just one drop in the mouth-"
And one person shouted out "How can we trust her she looks like a witch?".
Then Mattyu took the potion and said. "I will drink it."
And so he drank it and after a few seconds his body shrank. He got wings and he had fairy dust. He was a pixie.
One by One, people came up to take the potion.

However Gary still wasn't so sure. And so he took the potion. His stomach swirled and spinned as he to morphed into a pixie.
They adventured through the pixie realm.
"What happened?" Gary asked a local resident.
The resident answered "A pixie named Tzuyu helped 2 humans called Peach and Minra break in-"
"Minra?" Gary realised "Mina!"
The people stared at him.

Gary said "I have seen Minra before. She tried to enter but I didn't let her go. Me and my league can stop them. From Brains to errrm- warriors? We know where she is going and how to get and stop her."

Foolishly, The pixies trusted Gary and allowed him and the league to get her. And they will wait for them to come back.

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