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"I wish I could believe you then I'd be alright..."- Beyoncé

"I'm your sister

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"I'm your sister... Raina" she trembled in her footsteps as we met face to face for the first

My legs lost rhythm with my body as the treadmill sped up and I kept tempo with my thoughts.

"Results came back and your sister was pregnant... both deceased.."

"I'm not seeing anyone sissy, I'm a popular loner..."Raina emphasizes as I teased her about having a crush

I ran on the treadmill as the sweat beaded down my chocolate skin with the question that didn't sit right in my gut.

No matter how much I tried to push it aside the feeling never subsided and I continued to ask myself, who was the father of my sister's baby?

I slowed down my cycle tossing my headphones out of my ear, wiping my body with a towel. I stepped down from the treadmill making my way to the shower.

I cut around the corner trying to shift my thought process, mistakenly my body was halted by a stoned chest.

"Sorrry..." He moved around me and simply kept walking I noticed it was the dude from the grocery store I was finally seeing how small upstate New York is

Things haven't been sitting right with me about Raina's death something told me it was more to her story. I felt deception coming from all angles and it's hard to know who I can trust.

"I'm home..." I announced tossing my keys on the bar going upstairs stepping out of my gym clothes

"How was the gym mija?" Lita asked stepping in my closet

"It was a good workout..."

"What's wrong you do this when something is bothering? So what is going on?"

"Just somethings coming up about Raina, they are finally disclosing the horrid details of her case and something tells me this wasn't a depressing suicide, someone had to be after her."

"What makes you think someone was after her?" I scrunched up my lips contemplating on whether I wanted to tell her what I knew

"She just had a lot of demons she was facing you know?" I said choosing not to go in full detail

"Well she lived a hard but very beautiful life and if you need anything, like I just came and watched Kai Kai today it's no problem..." I squinted at her words

Stone Cold |Dave East x Justin Skye|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن