"I will send you that video later." The voice whispered again.

I wanted to rub my sweaty palm on my slacks but that would come off as nervousness which I would rather not reveal.

I made sure everyone left the classes before bee lining to nearby wash area.

I had a bad case of sweaty palms this session.

I heard hushed whispers from the bathroom.

"What did I tell you about worrying?"

"Not to?"

I walked in I saw Julian and the other guy in deep embrace and I was intruding to a very private and intimate moment.

"Oh, sorry... I will..."

"No, sir. Please. We are leaving."

"No, no. I just wanted to wash my hands."

The guy stepped aside without taking his hands of Julian.

I washed as fast as I could. "Sorry, for intruding."

Julian gave me paper towels from the dispenser. "No problem, Sir. Henry worries about me."

"I do not just worry about you. I love you." I was still intruding in their private moment.

"Please do not be late to your next class. See you."

I bid my bye and walked away with this feeling of emptiness.

It had been hours since then. But the feeling was still there.

The fake I.D in my wallet was tempting me to go out and mingle.

I could use some drinks.

When had I lost my passion to dance?

I did not even sway to the music in my room, shower was now just a chore, baths became somewhere I could ponder my mistakes and renew my determination.

I had to find a club that was quite at a distance from my college.

Here kids went out clubbing like it was their right and the sole purpose of being in college was to have 'fun'. In M.I.T, we mostly went out to remind ourselves that there were other humans on earth and relieve stress of all-nighters.

Well, when you are in Rome...

I checked the phone he had gifted, to make sure the tracking app was still running and showed Stanford.

Mom or Jason would not disclose my real position.

There was no way Liz would tell anyone anything, if beaten to inch of her life.

Aunt Marie never bothered where I was studying as long as I was bringing home good grades.

So, I was safe.

I took the cheap QWERTY Chinese phone and put in another sim for the day and texted Jason about meeting him at Phoenix next week.

Just in case he went through Jason's phone again.

What had my life got into?

I took a cab and went in the club the cab driver had suggested.

I put on the hoodie and took the fake ID card before I reached the bouncer.

He was sceptic but it was my first try in this club so he did not give me hard time.

I wished I could at least tap my feet to the beats.

How many times should I say no before they got a hint?

Women were more persistent than men. Was that what made them so strong?

Touching The Heart Of Ace (SAMPLE)Where stories live. Discover now