Chapter Ten

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The rest of the month went by quickly and was boring. Nothing big happened, only practice and small tests. I decided to go to one of Denki's family parties and meet some of his family.

I sit down on the couch, I had only been at the party for 20 minutes and everyone crowded around me asking questions. Denki sits next to me. "Having fun?" He asks.

Letting out a small laugh I reply, "kind of, lots of questions though."

He smiles and puts an arm around me. Quickly before anyone could see it, he plants a kiss on my cheek. A smile escapes from my lips with a rosy blush. It wasn't long before Denki's name was called by one of his family members and he shuffles off. I hadn't met his parents yet, I met everyone else except for them.

Before we left for the party I made sure I dressed relatively nice so I wouldn't give off a bad first impression.

"Y/N!" Denki calls from the kitchen. I get up a wander to the kitchen to see what he wanted. "This is my mom," Denki motions to the woman behind him then to the man beside him, "and that's my dad."

I smile and shake both of their hands. "Nice to meet you," I politely manage with a small squeak.

His parents show no interest but still shake my hand. Without exchanging any words, they both walk off and leave Denki and I alone. "They seem nice," I lie.

Denki sighs, "they never like any of the people I hang out with, I thought since you're my first girlfriend then they might be nice."

I smile. "First?" I tease

He slouches an arm over my shoulder and drags me around. "I want to relax," he says.

He brings me into a room in which I immediately know it belongs to him. Everything was lighting bolts, his favorite hero and family photos. I seat myself in a corner desk and smile as I see photos of him and his parents.

It wasn't long before I could hear Denki snoring away as he slept. I would have to get used to that. After a hour or so of playing games on my phone, I look at the clock on the wall and shudder. I should've gone home by now. I shrug it off, my parents wouldn't want me walking around at night anyways. "Baby?" I hear Denki mumble into the pillow.

Slowly, Denki raises his arm and motions for me to finally lay down. "You need sleep," he says.

I shrug as I smile. Sleep wasn't my thing but when it came to him looking out for my health, it somehow became a priority. Laying down beside him my eyes become heavy as I drift asleep. Not much could keep me awake any longer, I'm beyond worn out.

Glass shatters. "Get up!" Someone screams from an unknown place. I cover my head and slowly get up. Where am I? Looking from side to side, I slowly realize where I am.. a vision. 'Stay calm' I tell myself. Growing up I realized I could see the future and how to control my visions when I sleep. "Come on, we need to get out of here!" More screaming.

I jump up and follow the screams. As I run I realize where my vision was placed, the cafe Denki and I always go to.

I snap awake drenched in sweat. Before I forget anything details of my vision, I slowly jot them down in my phone. Nothing will allow me to sleep now. I need answers. Quickly, I look at my side. Denki is still fast asleep and shows no signs of waking up. I need to go home. Looking down at my hands I start to slowly tremble and clench my fists. Not now.

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