Chapter Two

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"So do you want to come to the carnival with us, Y/N?" Mina asks.

"Yeah come on!" Ochaco squeaks.

I giggle, "all right, I'll go!"

The girls giggle and nod. "We have a little surprise for you when you get there." They both say and walk away.

I turn back in my seat and sigh. "They're up to something... I know it." I mumble.

"Huh?" Denki asks sitting beside me.

I smile, "the girls want me to go to the carnival, they apparently have a surprise for me."

Denki chuckles, "knowing you and them it's probably new gear for you."

"That's true, they know I prefer gear over many things," I say.

"What time are we all going to the carnival?" Denki asks.

I look at the time, "in about 2 hours or so."

Denki nods, "okay, I'm gonna get back to my dorm for a little, see you at the carnival."

"Okay, see you layer!" I smile and wave as he leaves.

I sit for a little bit longer and decide to go back to my dorm. "Hey Y/N," Sero says.

He had a little laugh in his tone. "Hey, Sero!" I shriek.

He stops me for a moment, "I heard someone likes you, Mina and Ochaco are trying to hook you up with him."

I laugh, "and who may that be? You sound like you know who it is."

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." He teases.

"Okay then, 3 guesses and you need to tell me if I'm right or wrong," I say.

"Alright then, guess." He says leaning on the wall.

"You, since you seem to know a lot about it."


"Okay... Todoroki"

"Nah he prefers you as his best friend."

I think for a moment, "...Denki..?"

Sero clicks his tongue, "bingo!"

I feel a light blush enter my face. "Well, uhh... I got to go!" I yell and run to my dorm.

I sigh as I enter my dorm and close the door. "Well, I guess I should dress to impress tonight." I giggle to myself.

I find a pair of my black ripped jeans and a light gray t-shirt. I always thought Denki liked that Earphone Jack girl...

Before I knew it the 2 hours had passed. Everyone who was going to the carnival had gathered up in the common room. "Hey Y/N, come here I have your surprise," Mina says and drags me to the other side of the room.

I see Denki standing alone. He looks up, "hey..."

"Hey, Denki! What is it, Mina?" I ask, pretending to not know what it was.

"Well, Denki likes you." She says.

Denki and I both blush. I smile, "that's nice to know... We actually need to get going"

We all agree and walk back to the crowd. I was seated by Denki and Sero.

Sero nudges me, "how did it go?"

I smirk, "I'm ignoring it for now until we get to the carnival."

He nods and leans to look at Denki. Denki had been staring at the floor.

Once we got to the carnival I squeal and jump out of the car. "So we're all going to leave you and Denki behind for a little." Ochaco giggles and runs off with the others, leaving me with Denki.

Denki glances at me, "sorry you have to be with me... I know you probably don't like me."

I laugh and grab his hands, "you can't just assume that I'm not going to give a straight forward answer yet."

He stares at my chest. "Okay..."

I jump back. "Stop that!" I yell and turn around.

He notices my anger and apologizes. "Gosh, it's cold tonight," I whine.

Denki takes off his jacket and hands it to me, "here, I'll be fine."

I take the jacket and smile, "thanks.."

I put it on and motion him to continue walking. "Do you know where everyone else went?" Denki asks.

I shrug, "they just rushed ahead."

He nods and continues walking beside me.

After a few minutes of walking around, we ended up finding everyone.

Mina and Sero pull me aside. "How did it go?" They both ask.

I tug at the collar of Denki's jacket. "Denki gave me have his ja-" Sero stops me.

"You two have to be dating soon, he would never give his jacket to anyone." He says.

I blush, "I'm not sure about my feelings for him though."

Mina giggles, "you like him. You two are always training together!"

"But that's because we both have the same quirk but different weaknesses," I explain.

Sero chuckles, "soon it won't be just training."

I realize what he meant, "you perv!"

Mina and Sero laugh. "See you later!" Mina says and walks off with Sero.

I walk back over to Denki and sigh, "want to go get food?"

He nods. "Sure, I'll pay." He says and begins walking to a food stand.

I noticed he kept staring off while we ate. "Denki... Are you okay?" I ask.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah." He says looking up at me.

I knew he was lying but I wouldn't push it. I take the last bite of my food. "Well, I'm ready to go on some rides," I say.

"Sorry I think I'm going to go back to the dorm building, I'm not feeling too good." He says.

"I can go back with you if you'd like-"

"No, I'll be fine." He mumbles and walks off.

It was weird seeing him moody but I tried ignoring it. I walk around to find Mina. "Hey Y/N, what happened?" She asks.

I shrug, "he wasn't feeling well I guess."

She frowns, "that stinks, but I guess we're going back in an hour or so."

I nod. "Sounds good," I say and walk with her.

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