Chapter Nine

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I spent the rest of my day ignoring Denki. I don't know why, but I just couldn't handle facing him after what happened the night before.

Bakugo looks at me. "Why are you ignoring him?" He asks, sitting beside me at lunch.

It was weird, he never spoke to me, nor was nice to me. "Ignoring who?" I ask and shuffle away.

He nods in Denki's direction, "Denki."

"Oh uh.. something happened," I mutter.

Bakugo puts his hands on the table and stands up so his shadow glooms over me. "I swear, if he-" I cut him off.

"I gave him permission, chill." He shakes his head and steps away from the table. "Bakugo! Don't you dare!" I yell.

Everyone looks at us. Some people murmur and some people cower. "Nobody touches my sister," he growls, "especially him."

Before I know it, he's gone and chasing Denki. Thankfully, Denki was pretty fast.. but Bakugo would soon catch up.

I find them by the bleachers near the track field. I rest my hands on my knees and pant from all the running. "I don't want you to ever talk to her again." I hear Bakugo threaten Denki.

They didn't know I was there. "Like her and I both have said, she said it was fine!" Denki protests.

I step out and reveal myself, "leave him alone, Bakugo."

Bakugo turns to face me. "I don't want you two seeing each other, he doesn't deserve you. Go date someone worthy.";

I huff and grab Denki's hand and begin walking away. I couldn't stand this much longer. The rage running through me was about to spill, when it does, it won't be pretty at all.

I can hear Bakugo cursing and yelling from behind but I don't care. "Y/N, why did you tell him?" Denki asks and stops, making me stop too.

"Because he asked why I was ignoring you, I can't exactly face you after last night, and I told him something happened and I said you could," I explain.

He looks away, "why couldn't you face me? Was it that bad?"

I let out a small laugh and shake my head. "It was great... I just feel embarrassed I guess," I say.

He smiles. "We should probably get going before Bakugo catches up and yells at us some more," he jokes.

Smiling, I nod and start running. For a moment I leave Denki behind until he starts running too. It felt weird. Like in a love story where the characters are banished from loving each other so they run away together. But this love story is running away together from the protective brother.

School was out by the time we got back so we grabbed our things and walk to our dorms. We say goodbye for now at the common room and proceed to our separate rooms.

I hear Uraka, "hey Y/N, can I come in?" I left my door slightly open so she stood in the doorway. I nod.

"What's up?" I ask and put down my things.

She looked nervous. "Everyone is saying that you and Denki..." her voice trails off.

I manage a fake laugh, "so people really are saying that? Do you know who made that up?"

She twirls her thumbs around before replying. "Bakugo started yelling about it in the common room before Aizawa came out and told him to stop. He said that you and Denki did.. it.."

I keep down the anger threatening to pour out and fake another laugh. "Nah we didn't do anything other than get a coffee like usual," I lie.

She smiles. "Oh, ok." She says and is off like that.

From my room I can hear Bakugo yelling some more. It must be loud since I'm on the top floor. I groan and pull out my laptop to do some work.

Denki Kaminari x Reader • Electrifying Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora