Chapter 3: Detected

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Ink did find Error in the bar.

But it took a lot out of him as it should been...


"Just go.......I ain't listening to a fucking android. Go stick your instructions somewhere else~ hey you know where you can stick them?" Error asked making googily pupils.

"Where?" Ink asked curiously not seeming to get it.

Error looked at him making a -._-. Face.

Error rolled his pupils as he walked with Ink. "Lieutenant Error, Sir I Might inform that the scene took place on May 6th 2031 right?" Ink asked.

"Yes it did." Error sighed. Ink studied Error.

"Lieutenant. due to your foul expression. I assume your against me or androids?" Ink asked.

"I am. And still am. Because I had a brother. And he died due to a Android. A deviant." Said Error. A deviant...

"Is that way you don't like me?" Ink asked curiously.

"Yes. We're just working together. So let's just keep to ourselves and do our own thing. Capiche?" Error asked glaring at Ink.

Ink nodded.

"Error. We still must talk to each other in order to solve this case. Communication is key to solving the mystery." Error sighed. "I already get it. Now just follow my lead."

They both went inside the building seeing a marvelous scene. The grey walls were stained with Blood and a dead human corpse.

Ink studied the body as he did a erupt quick scan. "Sir. This human abused a Android which cause a retaliation within the Android." Said Ink.

"So self defense... I see..." Error muttered studying their surroundings as he bent level with the corpse.

"This Android is a skeleton just like us." Said Ink.

"It was probably a deviant." Said Error studying the found blue blood closely.

"It was a CR345 model. It's missing. You can tell from the files." Said Ink holding a document enlisting to the case.

"I can see that." Error then stood up as he grabbed Ink's arm dragging him somewhere.

"Follow me." Error let out.

For some reason. Ink felt a bit weird when a touch of contact was made. Was he feeling a attraction to this person? He's just a lieutenant . Nothing more. He just has to complete his mission.


Geno was looking around as he finished the errand by buying a Scythe cloth in the store for a specific person.

Geno felt bumped into someone again none the less. But someone bumped into him instead.

'So clumsy...'

"Sorry!" They let out in unison.

"No it's fine! It's my fault!" Geno answered quickly.

"No me!"


"This won't get us anymore." Geno asked as beads of sweat rolled down his skull.

"Well my name is Blue. I'm an Android." Said Blue.

"I can see that." Geno said sarcastically.

"Well... can I stay with you. If your... they permit it?" Blue asked.

"Yeah, Death can be pretty understanding. Not unless you get on his bad side though." Said Geno.

"Oh..." Blue was surprised that this 'Death' sounds like he treats Geno well. His previous... didn't really.

"Come." Geno dragged Blue as he gently held his arm to the manison.

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