It was too late to back out now, as the helicopter touched down on the battlefield behind our gathering army. The door slid open with a barely-audible click. My long braid lashed the air with the wind from the still-rotating blades. Eyes shuttering against the wind, I jumped down, followed by my two friends. We only looked to the few tents peppered between the olive green and black uniforms of our army, even as the helicopter took to the skies behind us.

It was clear where we needed to go: the only large tent that was sure to house the strategists and generals of our army. Imperium was far enough away to not be able to shoot at us yet, but we were still dangerously close. I wondered what the leaders would have us do.

       A few heads turned as we were permitted inside the tent. Our entire team stood inside, among the strategists moving markets around on a map. I could recognize our general by his decorated uniform and war-hardened face.

      Benton approached. "What happened?"

      The three of us shared a glance. "We...don't know," Riley said slowly. "They walked away without destroying the base, but..."

      "They weren't happy after I broke the peace between us by burning the fortress with them inside and leaving them to die," I said. "You know how it is. Even if they wanted to join us, I'm not sure what Orion is holding over them to keep them loyal. They're as much a wildcard as ever."

      "We'll deal with the children of Orion when the time comes," General Lawridge said, having been listening to our report. "They are not our largest threat; for Orion has finally rallied his enhanced soldiers for this final stand."

       Gigi shifted her weight on her feet. "What can they do?"

       "We can't be sure until they're using their power against us."

      The shouting of our army swelled outside as they began to rally. Lawridge turned to the map-covered table. "They're readying themselves for the battle of their lives."

       Arlo's gaze cut past me through the sliver of the open tent flap. "Their army is just standing silently. Waiting."

      "They want us to go to them," a female strategist said, arms crossed and eyes hard. "It will weaken us, not to mention the fact that they inevitably have a surprise attack waiting."

       Finn spoke softly. "Our spy, Arden Rong, claimed that Orion was creating something else. Everything else she warned against came true: the invasion, the enhanced soldiers. But not this, not the thing he was building specifically for us."

       "We have an airstrike coming." Lawridge had no sign of fear that lined face. "It will hit exactly as our army reaches theirs, taking out their Scorpions and the tents of their own war leaders." He glanced at Finn. "Peterson, you and Traversa will go behind enemy lines and take out any leaders that remain." Gigi's spine straightened as he looked to her. "Henderson and Damari will be transported to higher ground to snipe our enemies from above."

       Our eyes met and I knew he was about to give me my orders. But I spoke first. "I will go back to the fortress and murder Orion."

       "Tesla, we need you here. If Orion is in the war tents—"

       "He's not," I said, not trying to be disrespectful. "I know him. He won't risk his life for this battle that he sees as an easy win. And he might not be expecting an airstrike, but being down on the ground is too exposed. No, he will be somewhere inside."

      Lawridge looked like he might turn me down, but another woman looked up from her notes. "Killing Orion is our best chance at killing the enhanced soldiers. We don't know much about the Mind Sweeper, but we do know that his mind and the minds of its victims are connected..."

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