Play Date// Melanie Martinez

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A/n! Hi guys a short chapter! Thank you all for all the love and support! I didnt think this story would get this much attention due to the topic! Anyways I appreciate you all!
Hunk and keith smiles and watched the two little started to play together
The movie just ended, Lance yawned and rubbed his eyes then pidge did the same . Keith smiles and walked over to the two. "All right little ones let get you all snuggled up and to take a nap okay" keith smiles at them moving the dvd player. Pidge snuggled up to lance and fell asleep right there. Her glasses smushed against lances chest as he fell asleep!
~ A few hour later~
Lance woke up still in a light head space. Pidge was still snuggled up with lance assuming she also in little head space or not in head space at all .He smiles and tries to wake her up and carefully. Pidge groaned and rolled over falling off the bed. " fuck" she yelled.Lance laughed at her as keith walked into to his room. " you two good i herd a thump then laughing". " yeah this bum woke me up" pidge pout in a deeper headspace then she wants. " well it not my fault daddy." Lance winer now joining pidge in this headspace.
He covered his mouth he never called keith daddy out loud before. I mean it only been three days but still. Keith smiles and chuckles walking to where the two where sitting" it okay princey" keith said calming " i like when you call me daddy okay" he kisses the top of lances forehead.
Pidge still on the ground smiles. She wishes she had a caregiver like a mommy but happy and lucky to have hunk. "Keithy can you get hunk" pidge said she was in a little headspace but wanted to get away from the couple. "Sure thing cutie" he boops the tip of her nose. Lance pouting wanting keith attention but he leaft and a few seconds later came back with hunk. Keith picks lance up and sits him on his lap the best he could. Pidge wispered something in Hunks ear and then they leaft. " daddy did i make her sad" he sniffles. " no i think she was letting us have some alone time okay" keith smiles and kisses lance temple. " now your dippy full can daddy change it" keith smiles. Lances blush he forgot he put a diaper on.
376 words

My little space man //klance// age regOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant