Little Space// SXYE

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A/n; HELLO!! This is a long chapter but it all in little space. I love this story so much all ready! It all ready #54 in Klance witch is cool ! Okay enjoy the story
Third person
Keith smiles and lance took two of his finger to drag him to the spot where he had set up all his coloring ( even though the room was small enough) he sat down and keith sat behind him. Lance winned and pouted. " use your big boy words" keith said taking out lances binkey. " lap." He pointed to keith lap." You want to sit in daddy lap " keith says. Lance nodded . Keith scooted and Lance plopped on Keith crotch. Lance wiggled his bum not thinking anything of it. Keith chuckles and though to himself" i could get use to this"
It been 20 mins that Keith found out about lance and becoming his temporary dom that when lance had to use the bathroom. Keith felt the warmth on his leg form the pee in the diaper. Keith chuckles " Princey let get you a new dippy okay" lance blushes and nods. " you go lay down on the bed so daddy can change you." Keith said.Lance gets up and keith taps his bum . Lance blushes softly and lay down on the bed so his legs are hanging off the bed. " baby where are your dippy and wipes. Lances points to the under the bed. He pulls out a big cardboard box that has all lances little things. Keith looked through and found the bag from earlier. He smiles at what else was in there and pulled out a new reusable diaper and wipes. Keith smiles and stood up and walked over to lance and kisses his forehead. Lance giggled and covered his face. " hey i want to see my baby face" Keith removed lances hands from his face. " there he is" Keith smiles.
Keith lifts lances sweatshirt so he can get to the snaps of the onesies. Lance grabbed a stuffy and held it tight and sucked on his binky. Keith chuckled and undid the onesie pulling it up to lances chest revealing lances tones stomach. For not working out as much as Keith, lance is fit. Keith undoes the diaper and grabbed the wipes. He pulls the top of the dirty diaper down showing lances privates. His dick was bigger then what Keith though but for an other time. Lance put lances together and lifts his bum up taking away the dirty diaper. He used a wet wipes and wiped his ass cleaning that. Then cleaning both of his balls. After that he cleaned lances staff and the tip. Then cleaned his lower stomach where his dick sits in his diaper. Keith after put on the new diaper ,he put the old one on top of the dirty laundry pile to remind big lance to hid it when cleaning. Keith button lances onesie again. " all set baby" he helped lance up.
Lance yawned but his stomach growled. " is baby hungry"Keith sat down next to lance. Lance laid down in Keith's lap and nodded. " i think everyone is asleep want to got get a milky with daddy" Keith ran his hands in lances hair. Lance nodded no and pointed to where Keith nips are meaning he wanted breast milk. Keith chuckles " daddy doesn't have breast milk babby come one lets go make a milky" he got up and picked lance up so he holding on to Keith frount like a kola bear. Lance nuzzles into keiths neck falling asleep.
Keith checks out in the hall so he know no one up and thank god no one was. They walk down the hall and into to living room/ kitchen area. Keith places lance on the couch and lets him sleep a lit before feeding. He smiles and kisses his forehead then heads into the kitchen. He found some drink that was the closest thing to milk. He placed it the adult baby bottle and placed it in the microwave to warm it up. Once it warm enough to take back he walked back over to lance that was still cuddled up. " baby boy wake up lets get back to your room to get some milky and sleep okay" Keith put the bottle down picked lace up like he did before and grab the bottle again. " dwaddy can we go to your rwoom" lance says softly into Keith ear. Keith smiles " of course baby" he smiles.
Keith walked passed lances room and in front of his room " come on baby get down so daddy can put in his code." He taps lances ass. Lance get down as Keith enters the passcode ( the day he got kicked out of the garrison) then the door slide open.
It nothing like lances messy room. It clean and simple. There a mirror, a night stand, his bed , a set of drawers under the mirror where he keeps all his clothes. No picture of friends or family anywhere to be found. Lance loved it, how simple and Keith it is. It smell like him too. Unlike lances soft ocean smell , keith smells like more like the  his shack. Manly and of keith.
Keith locked the door so Shiro will not walk in. Lance was all ready laying in the bed ready for milk. Keith chuckles and fixes the pillow so he could sit comfortably. He sits down and pulls lance over his lap and cradles his. He places the bottle nipple in lances mouth and lance start to suck. Six minutes go by and Lance is done with his bottle. Keith smiles " all done baby" he takes the bottle out of lances mouth. Keith grabs  a towel and but it over his shoulder " sit here baby i will burp you" Keith pats his lap. Lance does what he told and places his face where the towel is. Keith smiles and pats his back trying to get some burps out of his. Lances burps where cute not forced like normal. Lance let out one, then two, then three burps.
" good baby boy" Keith smiles and takes lance off his shoulder. Lance yawns " is it sleepy time" Keith smiles. Lance nods as Keith pushed Lances bangs out of the way and kiss his forehead. Keith took the cloth off and put it on the floor next to them. He was glad he forgot he made the bed so he pulled the over up and over him and lance. Lance smiles and nuzzles into Keith's chest. " nwight daddy" lance said softly that Keith could barley hear it. Keith heard it " night princey, i love you " he played with lances hair. Lance didn't hear him he was passed out
1088 words

My little space man //klance// age regWhere stories live. Discover now