chapter 6:having to fight

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Goodwitch pov

After I woke up the next day from (Y/N)'s sembalance from what Ozpin told me it was going to be around five hours until my class. Once I made my way to my class, I got in and looked to the arena that was out of condition because it was a mess. I see (Y/N) down in the arena sweeping any debris that was from previous battles.

I walk down there as he notices me and stops. "H-hey h-how was t-the nap", (Y/N) asked nervously. "My shoulder blade hurts, I have red marks where my skin was wrung, and my arm is a bit stiff", I said as (Y/N) looks sad from this "but thank you for taking me to the nurse's office".

"W-what, don't know...hate me", (Y/N) asked unsure what to say. "No, your sembalance protected you and proofing your innocence be from an unorthodox way but yeah", I say explaining that I wasn't mad. (Y/N) looks kinda sad like his sembalance has only made his life harder. "You know we should test how strong you are in this arena once it is finished", I say as (Y/N) looks surprised. "What, but I don't have an aura, or a weapon, not even armor", (Y/N) said sweat coming from his face. "Don't worry just say you give up when you want to stop", I say leaving.


The class started as everyone took their seats.

"Just to tell you the arena will be open today", I said then everyone cheered. "Quite down we will do combat later right now you need to get a hold of different styles for each weapon", I say as everyone groaned.

After 30 minutes (Y/N) came out of the arena telling me the cleaning was done. Before he left I grab onto his collar. "(Y/N) you have fought people before right?", I ask with a plan in mind.

"Y-yeah why?" He asked curiously. "Well I have a proposition for you. If you can at least take out one person with these four people teams I will get you a place to stay here at beacon since Ozpin told me you live in a very troubling neighborhood", I say putting him on the spot.

"So just take one out of four? So I don't have to hirt people just get them out of the ring?" (Y/N) asked making sure they would be ok.

"Yep, now who would like to fight (Y/N) here?" I asked as everyone lifted their hands "team JNPR will do".

"Wait I don't have an aura though Goodwitch", (Y/N) said which surprised everyone.

"Well I guess we will just have to get you one", I said grabbing a chair then placed it down "sit here then we will start".

"O-ok Goodwitch", (Y/N) says sitting down then I put one of my hands on his chest. As the ritual started I sensed something odd about (Y/N) his soul was not one but a mass of hundreds of parts. I finished as his aura came on. Black, why is it black?

(Y/N) pov

Aura enchantment +1/+1

New card

Aura of soul. Costs 3 any

Enchant creature

Put a +1/+1 counter plus put immune to one color that target creature has in permanent

"An aura is of one's soul ours is the color of our swamps", the cultists of (Y/N)

"Hmm your aura has many parts of souls in it why", Goodwitch said questioning me. "W-what do you mean?" I ask unsure of what she ment. "I haven't seen anyone with multiple soul parts, maybe you can use their sembalances", Goodwitch said.

"We should get someone to fight with you", Goodwitch said looking around the room. Goodwitch's eyes landed on a girl with red hair than called her down. "This is who you will be fighting so please get ready to go in the arena", Goodwitch told us as I leave to the arena.

Timeskip no pov

Pyrrha and (Y/N) enter the arena with Pyrrha Nikos and her Milo then (Y/N) with a training sword.

"He is going to get destroyed", Jaune said.

"Indeed (Y/N) doesn't stand a chance", Ren said looking into the arena.

"3...2...1...fight", Goodwitch yelled as the battle started.

Pyrrha grabbed her spear then chucked it at (Y/N) but the flesh on her body struck back as both were hurt.

(Y/N) rushed Pyrrha slashing and blocking to get around her sheild only hitting scratches.

Pyrrha bashed (Y/N) with her sheild ad her skin once again pulled away from her. Once (Y/N) was far enough away she used her polarity to get her weapon back then turned it into a sword.

(Y/N) got up once more and slashed at Pyrrha this time knocking her on her feet. Pyrrha rolled out of the way from (Y/N) slamming his training sword into the stone. Pyrrha turned her weapon into a rifle then shot (Y/N) noting that his sembalance doesn't activate when long range. (Y/N) dodged and got as close he could but Pyrrha shot him from a distance putting him into the red.

"Stop...Pyrrha wins", Goodwitch said stopping the match.

"See I told you... though he did last longer than most with no training", Ren said noticing (Y/N) having a grasp in close combat and the possibility to improve.

(Y/N) sighed then said, "good job, I didn't stand a chance". "Well I see you can do better you just have to try more", Pyrrha says shaking (Y/N)'s hand. (Y/N) left to get his broom as he cleaned the flolrs once again.

(Y/N) pov

"How interesting a mountain 6/3 with first strike and the ability to regain her equipment", (Y/N) thought to himself "what a fun place this is". (Y/N) smiled to himself but not a fake one a sinister and imp like smile that only screamed turmoil than said to himself, "it sure will be fun to kill them when I get back".

How is this chapter guys?

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