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Name: Y/N L/N

Alias: the grand swamp cultist

Looks: like you

Clothes and accessories: a large black cloak with a sliver swamp symbol and silver circlet that has silver hanging from it. Black and white makeup to make you look more cultist like. A deck holder made of barbed wire and swamp vines.


Enchantment creature(Enfeeblement costs two swamp and put a -2/-2 counter on target creature)

Enchantment aura(Vampiric link costs one swamp and put life link on creature)

Instant(Bone harvest costs one swamp and two any color. Put all creatures from graveyard to top of library/deck)

Instant(Tribute to hunger costs one swamp and two any. If target sacrifices creature get hp to that creatures toughness/attack)

Enchantment(Blood reckoning costs one swamp and three any. Whenever a creature attacks you or a planeswalker you control the person who controls that creature takes one dmg)

Instant(human frailty costs one swamp and kills a target human)

Instant(soulshriek costs one swamp and does as much dmg as creatures in graveyard)

Instant(dark banishing costs one swamp and two any. Kill a nonblack creature)

Instant(wring flesh costs one swamp and target creature gets a -3/-1 until end of turn)

Enchantment aura(bestow costs one swamp and three any. Target creature and self when attack both get +1/+1 and deal two dmg to enemy)

Sorcery(march of the return costs one swamp and three any. Bring back two creatures to your hand)

Enchantment(homicidal seclusion costs one swamp and four any. Get +3/+1 plus lifelink when alone)

Instant(douse of gloom costs one swamp and two any. Deal 2 dmg to creature and get 2 hp)


When enter battlefield sacrifice a creature to get a zombie token with 2/2.

If hurt self get that many cards.

If die destroy an enemy land.

Immune to black magic

Personality: heartless to enemies and his men. Thinks that sacrifices are necessary for surviving. Hates those who hold onto thing dear to them.

Bonds: hates himself for holding onto things he cares about. Has a tattoo of his friend and his symbol of their magic of swamp and mountain on his upper left back where his heart is.

Flaws: can't see when he needs to stop sacrificing. Hurts those who talk about his dead friend badly. Can't understand how life works.

Strengths: isn't held back by anything when he wants to win. Is able to do unthinkable things to get a step higher to killing the enemy. Is a little to honest when it comes to death and won't care.

Love interest:


"I never let myself down for the death of my friend... but that doesn't mean anyone can talk about him... I hope I can see him when I die", (Y/N) before his final battle of the undead angel wars.


How is this new story guys? I hope it is good.

magic swamp user x rwby (male reader x Salem)Where stories live. Discover now