4. first day at columbia

488 36 52

thursday, august 20
2:48 pm

"Dad, please tell me that we're here. We've been in this car since 6am," I groan. "Why did we have to leave your sister's house so early?!"

"Cause, that woman is crazy, I also want to move you in at a decent time during the day."

"Are we here?"

"Yes, child. I have to find a place to unload this mini house you got in the back of my truck."

"Up there! Where all of the other people are unloading," I say, pointing to the u-shaped entrance in front of the dorm.

"Okay, you go inside and check in. Try to find one of your lil friends to come help us out."

"Dad, that's weird!"

"Girl, I don't give a fuck," he laughs, opening the trunk.


I walk inside and pick up the folder with my name on it. Then, I walk to the front desk.

"Hello! Welcome to Columbia!" an enthusiastic greeter says. "You're a freshman, I'm guessing?"

"Yes. My name is Jordyn Hughes," I reply at a normal tone.

"Okay," she says, typing something into the computer. "You're on the 6th floor, Ms. Hughes. Room 604. Here's your key. Remember: if you lose your key, you get one free replacement. After that you have to pay $50 for each replacement key. Two of your roommates, Kylie and Mia, are already moved in."

"Yes?" a girl turns around, looking at the greeter.

"Oh hey, Kylie! I was just telling Jordyn that you and Mia are moved in."

"Oh okay! Hey, Jordyn. I'm Kylie. It's nice to meet you," she smiles big, leaning in for a hug.

"Hey, oh my gosh. You're gorgeous!" I say in awe.

I've met a lot of pretty women in my life. But this girl is a goddess.

"Na, girl. That's all you! I love your top. That yellow looks incredible on you, Jordyn!"

"Thank you so much. You can call me J. That's what most people call me."

"J. I like it. It fits you. People call me Kyle. I know not as cool."

"Kyle. Definitely cool."

"You want me to help you with your stuff?" she asks, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"You don't have to. I'm sure you're busy."

"Na, I was about to go check out the campus, but I can help you move in then when we're done, we can check it out together. If you're down."

"Yes! Sounds great!"

We walk out to the truck, and I see my dad struggling with all of my stuff. I immediately run over and help him out.

"What floor are you on?"

"6th floor."

"You have got to be shitting me," he sighs, making me and Kylie laugh. "How the hell I'm supposed to get my ass up 6 flights of stairs?!"

"Dad, there's an elevator," I laugh, handing some stuff to Kylie.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Ya see back in the day we didn't have elevators."

"Oh dad, hush. We can't leave the truck. What if someone takes my stuff?!"

"Don't no one want your shit. Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm Jordyn's dad. Nice to meet you," my dad says, reaching out his hand to Kylie.

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