7. help her

467 35 36

monday, august 24
9:28 am


"Are you excited for the first day of classes, J?" Mia asks, pulling on a pretty, cold shoulder blouse.

"Um... sure," I say shortly, putting on my sweatpants and hoodie.

"Look, J, I'm really sorry about the party. I know we said we'd take care of you and we didn't-"

"It's cool, Mia. You can stop apologizing, for real. I gotta go. My class starts at 10."

To be honest with you, I'm so mad at all of them. But I also understand that it's not their responsibility to make sure I don't drink myself to death. I just believed that they wouldn't let me fuck it all up, but I guess you can only expect so much out of people.

As I walk to the Psych wing, I call Miles, but he doesn't answer. I know what I did was completely fucked up, and I should've been there for him. But I wish he would just answer the phone. I just need to hear his voice.

beanhead💙: i'll call you back. i'm in class rn.

me: okay

I hope he actually calls me back. Once I find my class, I sit down in the back row, in the corner closest to the door. With the amount of panic attacks I have on a day to day basis, I need to be able to leave the classroom easily without causing a distraction.

"Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" a guy asks.

"Yea, sure."

At first, I get pissed off, not knowing why he wants to sit next to me out of all places. Then, I realize that the only other open seat is the front row, right in front of the professor's desk.

"Sorry, I just zone out way too much to sit in front of the teacher."

"Trust me, I understand. That's why I'm so close to the door. Need to be able to dip without a scene."

"I see I see. Trey, by the way," he smiles, reaching out his hand.

"Jordyn," I say, accepting his hand shake.

"HELLO CLASS!" the professor yells, causing the entire class to groan because she's acting like she's not talking to a microphone. "Sorry, this is the first year with these so my apologies if I blow your eardrums out once or twice.

I immediately know I'm gonna like her. She's young and black, which is always a plus. And I can tell by the way she has her desk decorated that she's not a boring teacher.

"Welcome to Intro to Personality. Taught by me: Dr. Daniels, but when I was getting my doctorate I didn't think about the inconsistent flow of doctor and Daniels going together. In short, you can just call me by my first name: Trina."

The class laughs, which is always a good sign on the first day of classes.

"Before I start, I want y'all to know that if your phone goes off, it's cool. But if it keeps going off, you're gonna have to share what you did to piss whoever off the previous night."

The class laughs again. I'm happy that I now have one less class to worry about. I'm sure the work will be hard, but if the teacher was a dick, then that would've made it a million times harder.

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