Marble Prison

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Namjoon waved off his best friend, Jackson, making his way back into his brand new home. After months of saving up and some hardworking the boy finally had his two-bedroomed palace. It was a bit scary to say goodbye to his parents but after settling in Namjoon was quite comfortable.

Jackson had dropped some gifts by and helped him unpack so Namjoon decided to go out into the cream-colored house's garden seeing as he had yet to explore this part of the building.

The garden was slightly overgrown but nothing a lawnmower couldn’t handle. Namjoon worked further into the grass noticing the various purple and pink flowers placed in pretty patterns around the garden, he'd have to be careful of those when he cut the grass.

At the very back of the garden the brunet found an old shed that was covered in overgrown vines and moss and had its white paint peeling off. Curious as to what his inside those rusty, wooden doors the tall Asian pulled at the long vines till the door was visible.

Judging by the beautiful carvings along the walls of the shed Namjoon could tell that the place used to be held up to a great standard. He could imagine someone working days and nights in the small structure creating many different wooden creations.

Most of the things inside the shed were old an rusty, and just like the shed was covered in vines: a chainsaw, screws, a trowel, gardening gloves and- wait a minute.

Namjoon's mouth hang agape at the marble statue that stood before him. How did something like that end up in an old shed as though it were a cheap pair of socks?!

Though it was littered with old leaves and vines Namjoon could tell the statue was crafted with true mastery, made by someone who had spent decades working to perfect his craft.The skin of the marble boy looked as if it were an actual human shifted to stone and left in the marble prison for all eternity

Namjoon liked to think the deed had been done by Medusa, or possibly one of her sisters, but that would mean that the marble boy had done something terrible and the brunet couldn't bare the thought of something so pure having been tainted.

Without so much as a second glance Namjoon pulled the statue from its plant-based prison, almost pricking his finger on a thorn as he did, and placed it in the centre of his garden so he could see it in the light of the sun.

It was beautiful, ethereal, gorgeous, effervescent- no, not even words could describe the statue’s heavenly beauty, anyone would be considered lucky to even catch a glimpse of the gorgeous figure and Namjoon had it, something that belonged in a museum,  as the centrepiece of his backyard.

“Woah" Namjoon whispered under his breath slapping away a dead leaf that dared lay on the marble statue’s shoulder. He stared into the statue's gorgeous brown eyes- well he liked to think they used to be brown. He may not have seen the statue back when it was in it's human form, but he already had a few ideas:
Pink, plump lips,
Thick, brown eyebrows,
Dark brown hair (that he'd eventually dye pink due to his love of the colour),
Rosy pink cheeks

That's how far he'd gotten, he had yet to decide whether the boy's skin would be a light tan or a pale colour. He'd have to see when the statue finally broke free of his marble prison.

Over time Namjoon grew more and more fond of the marble piece, or as he so poeticly named it, 'the statue carved from beauty'. Namjoon was very proud of the name and even more proud of how he'd managed to keep the statue so up to code, especially considering how he'd found it, it's skin was almost lifelike.

The statue sometimes scared Namjoon with how lifelike it was, there were times were he'd swear he'd see the statue smile at him, or have tears running down it's plump cheeks. He had dismissed those days insisting that the statue just had a warm aura that made it seem like it was smiling, or that it had rained for a short while last night leaving the statue wet but only under it's eyes for some reason.

Weird but chile anyways so-

On the day of his birthday he had come back to find his friends all in his backyard as they had planned him a surprise birthday party. When he asked how they got in he found out that Jungkook had somehow 'made a replica of his key when he wasn't looking'???

Him and his friends stayed up, partying until the sun went down and which point they were wasted out of their minds. Namjoon was very disgusted to find two of them making out in the spare bedroom, but they somehow managed to convince to let them stay despite the fact that Namjoon did not want to be cleaning sheets the next morning.

"Calm down, will do them for you!"

The grass shuffled as a small piece of grey marble fell atop of it and another and then another until the once-a-statue-now-a-man blinked addly. He slowly moved his arms and legs astounded by the fact that they could even move. God, it felt like 8000 hundred years since he was last able to stretch his body freely. He looked at his surroundings, maybe it had been a while.

He took a step of his pillar, the prickly sensation of grass making him squeal childishly with delight. He quickly took another step and before he knew he was rolling in the dirt and having his body scratched and poked by the sharp grass beneath him. He couldn't bring himself to care about the stings of the bugs, he was too happy.


Big, curious eyes found themselves staring at the huge, glass on the left side of him, was this some sort of weird, new, futuristic palace? Everything past the glass looked so comfortable and advanced; the wood on the floor, the torch on the ceiling, the weird box thing across from the long chair, this had to be a palace.

The chair had a human on it. The human looked pretty and had blue hair. A Prince maybe? He waved at it before investing himself in the gorgeous arrangement of pink (his favourite colour) flowers to the left of him. This was by far the best era he's ever been to.

"WHAT the fuck" Namjoon could only whisper as he stared at the beautiful man before him.

This will be a really short story
Like 5 chapters maximum

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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