"Don't worry, it'll do. I'm not into getting stuffed."

"I've noticed."

"So you said."

Sondra returned with my order and made a fuss of placing it on the table - which Vince found amusing - then retreated. I started on my food, dropping my eyes because Vince's adoring gaze was a bit much.

"How can you even eat that stuff?" he mocked.

I looked up and was suddenly struck by an idea. "Eat with me."

"No thanks," he dismissed with a laugh. "I'm not touching that stuff."

"Come on! Please?" I pouted, enjoying myself completely. "You can't expect me to eat all this by myself."

"Honey, I'm good. I ate already, remember?"

"Just a little bit," I persisted.

"Belle -"

"You promised that I'd never have to do anything alone."

He looked around at the quizzical and adoring glances, and I had to keep myself from laughing. He knew he was beat, and he wasn't happy about it. Sighing, he picked up one of my fries and studied it.

"You dip it in there," I whispered helpfully.

He glared at me and I tried not to choke on my milkshake. He popped it into his mouth, chewed briefly and swallowed. "There, happy?"

"Blissful," I assured sweetly, and his glare could have skinned me. I laughed, then turned to my food contritely. I was soon done.

Once in the car, Vincent chuckled, then laughed outright as he drove. "You're such a troublemaker."

"Admit it; you loved it."

"Now that plant is stuck in my teeth," he groaned with an eye roll.

I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed again, shaking his head, then fell silent. As we drove further away from town, my euphoria dissipated. I was still in a deadly position with a volatile vampire. I was only still alive because of the amulet. I wondered what I'd do when we got to San Francisco, then sighed, wishing Warren was with me.


We drove into the city around sunset. Vincent pulled over at a line of boutiques. "Okay, wait here."

"Why, where're you going?"

"I need to get you clothes, remember? I won't be a minute."

As he got out, I remembered his threat involving a négligé... I followed him out. "There's no way I'm trusting you with that."

"Didn't I tell you to wait in the car?"

"This is my shopping trip," I argued.

"Were you born this stubborn, or is it a skill you acquired?"

"Can we just do this?" I retorted, leading the way into the nearest shop.

Vincent headed straight for a tiny red top with some glitzy logo on its sleeve, and pulled out a short denim skirt to go with it. "This'll do."

"You're joking. I don't do skirts, and do I look like the kind of girl to wear such a top?"

He laughed. "I have the weirdest feeling," he mused. "It's like you remind me of someone."

I picked out a pair of distressed black jeans. "See, these are perfect."

"Fine, but the top stays. No buts," he added as I started to protest.

Content To Be Claimed (Beauty And The Beast #1)Where stories live. Discover now