"Is that No maj still here? Obliviate him, there should be no exception." Madam Picquery said, looking at the group.

Madam president sees the uncertainty and pleading look on the group's face and sigh. "There can be no witness, you know the law." Madam president said, and Celeste stepped forward challenging.

"But madam President, don't you think it's time to change the law? You see what those outdated laws brought us into. Let Mr. Kowalski be the exception. He has proven to be a great ally, Madam president." Celeste practically begged the woman.

Madam Picquery considered Celeste for a straight minute, before sighing again. "Only if you all take his responsibility and make sure he doesn't blurt out anything about our existence. I cannot promise you that laws will change Ms. Fischer, but you have done so much for our country. I will happily make Mr. Kowalsky an exception." Madam president said, looking directly into Celeste's eyes.

"You have my word Madam president." Celeste said, now grinning. "Very well then. Mr. Kowalsky is allowed to retain his memory. But Ms. Fischer and Ms. Goldstein, please drop by the ministry. We have so much to talk about. Oh and you too Mr. Scamander." Madam President said, giving the group a mysterious smile and then walked out.

"Oh sweetheart!" Queenie squealed as she approached Celeste. She just hugged the girl tightly, making Celeste groan in pain.

"Oh I am sorry, did I hurt you?" Queenie asked, pulling away hastily. "I have to treat this concussion." Celeste said, offering a weak smile to the group.

"We will go to my home first, including you Mr. Kowalsky. Now you are our official family member." Tina said, smiling at the dumbfounded Jacob.

A wide smile broke out on his face as he came to terms with things he listened to just now. "Brilliant." He said, absolutely giddy with happiness.

After disappearing to Tina's flat, Tina went to prepare strong tea for everyone, after the insistence of Celeste. Queenie and Jacob just couldn't get enough of the fact that Jacob was allowed to keep his memories.

Celeste and Newt were in the case with Newt checking for the injuries. Their coats hung on the coat rack.

Celeste's pure white blouse was ruined and now was really dirty. She hissed as Newt's finger pressed on her injured part of the head.

"It hurts Newt." She grumbled as Newt stepped back. "I was trying to find the concussion. And I found it." Newt said, as he went to the opposite side of the room and got the ointment for it.

"You could have just asked, y'know?" Celeste grumbled. "This should do the trick." Newt said, as he applied the ointment on the affected part.

The relief spread across her head as her pain in the head dropped significantly. "It does feel better already." Celeste said, closing her eyes.

"Next time, remember this before putting yourself in danger." Newt said, as he went to retrieve a potion from the cabinet.

Celeste just grunted, and took the potion Newt offered. "Is your head feeling any better?" Newt asked, as he put away the empty glass.

"Hmm yeah, I just have to walk." Celeste said, a mischievous thought crossed her head. "Yeah." Newt said, as he watched Celeste stood up and faced him.

She walked a step before almost colliding with the floor if not for Newt who rushed to catch her, and he did catch her.

"Hey you alright?" Newt asked, as concern flashed on his face. "Yep." Celeste grinned mischievously, making Newt roll his eyes.

"You gave me a heart attack, y'know?" Newt asked, still his arms wrapped around the woman. "I am fully aware of that." Celeste grinned, before leaning in to press a soft kiss on his lips.

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