2 - extremely handsome trouble

Start from the beginning

Emmy grinned and waved back.

And that's when she saw him.

Remus Lupin, about 6"2 and much older than she thought he'd look.

And he'd seen her too.

His mouth was hanging open in disbelief, staring straight at her. His friends were trying to figure out who he was looking at, and once they'd spotted her, bewilderment passed across their faces.

Transfer students weren't common at Hogwarts for starters, but if she knew her brother at all it probably wasn't likely he was caught staring at girls in such a manner very often.

The second option seemed more likely the reason for their confusion as the one with messy dark hair and glasses laughed and shook Rem's shoulder.

The other boys, one with longer dark hair and a very impressive jawline, the other with a rounder face and short blond hair, were both still taking in the sight of her.

Surprisingly unable to meet Remus's eyes, she caught Jawline's eyes and to his credit he didn't look away immediately, instead gave her a lazy smile and nod.

If he couldn't see her eyes rolling he surely would have heard them.

The first few names were being called out, each person being sorted by a strange old hat that shouted at them.

It was entertaining to watch for sure but by the time all the first years had been sorted and she was left standing in the middle of the hall on her own, the feelings of nervousness and hunger were gnawing away at her.

"And last of all we have Emmeline Lupin," announced McGonagall, holding the hat out for her atop the dais.

Murmurs resounded around the hall, Remus obviously hadn't told anyone about her.

A surge of anger and impatience took surged through her and she clenched her hands under her robes to keep them from shaking. Her head was held high as she marched up the stairs and sat on the rickety stool.

The Gryffindor table was in uproar, the girls having rounded on Remus and his friends unable to find the words to defend him.

"Ah, another Lupin I see!" spoke the Sorting Hat, "Now what shall we do with you? Brave... extremely brave, and stubborn too. But what's this? Creativity! And resourceful, good at getting what you want..."

It paused for a minute and murmured, "You're a tricky one aren't you? But I really have to say... GRYFFINDOR!"

Cheers rose up around the hall as a relieved Emmy passed back the hat, thanking it. It simply smirked and said,

"Oh, we'll see."

She skipped down the steps to her seat next to Marlene and the girls crowded her excitedly.

Remus was a little further down the table and refused to make eye contact as she sat down.

"You didn't tell us Remus was your brother," accused Marlene. Emmy shrugged, the pain of him ignoring her stinging her throat.

The boys seemed to be having a sharp word with Remus, but he still refused to looking over.

"We're not close," was all she could manage.

He jumped up from the table as soon as the meal finished, and the boys jogged after him flashing her quick glances over their shoulders as they walked away. Emmy helped herself to an extra spoonful of strawberry ice-cream and sighed in frustration.


The Gryffindor house inhabited the tallest tower on the north face of the castle overlooking the Quidditch pitch and the Forbidden Forest.

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