Episode 10: The ending of the quest

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(4 days go by with Azaan and Zath sword skill training. Azaan improved his skills dramatically with each passing day and the both of them continued performing their quest for the village in harvesting the Ozini. On the fifth day, it was realized it would be their final day at the village. Tatumia's father decided to halt the harvest and hold a village celebration for the final day. In the early of their final day before the sun had entered. Azaan and Zath hear a knock on their door. Awakening them both.)

Zath: Yes Tatumia. (Yawning) What is it?

Tatumia: Since it is your final day here at the village. I have a secret spot to show you and Azaan. Please be quiet. I don't want to wake anyone up at this time.

Zath: Alright give us 10 minutes to get ready

(10 minutes later. Azaan, Zath and Tatumia slowly walk outside and see the entire village darkened around them as the sun slowly starts to crawl into the morning)

Tatumia: We got to hurry. Let's run

Zath: Wait!

(Just as Zath says it Tatumia begins to run wanting Azaan and Zath to follow behind her leading to them both to start running through the village and outside the village. Azaan and Zath are running side by side as Tatumia is right in front of both of them. They begin to realize that they are heading up a hill. After a couple of minutes running upward, the both of them realize it isn't a hill but an entire mountain.)

Azaan: (panting): How much longer?

Tatumia: Hurry up! Or else we aren't gonna make it! It isn't too far away!

Azaan: Easy for you to say, I've never been here.

(As they run up the mountain for another 5 minutes, the three of them finally make it to the top of the mountain. Just as the sun is about to enter the skyline.)

Tatumia: We made it just watch.

(As the sun begins to rise all of a sudden golden flowers at the top of the moutain begin to open like a bear awakening from hibernation. They glisten from the sun's rays early in the morning bringing a spectacle of colors roaming around the entire mountain.)

Azaan and Zath: Wow. Amazing.

Tatumia: These are Tatumia's. I was named after them after my mom and dad said I glittered like one when I was born. This is my favorite place to come and see. It helps me understand the beauties of the world.

Azaan: This is truly a wonderful place and I think we're both fortunate to see this with our eyes before we both leave.

Zath: Yes. I share Azaan's sentiment. Thank you for showing us.

(As the happy mood begins to showcase the reality of the situation.)

Tatumia: Why. Why do you have to leave? You know my father would be glad to have you stay with us. I don't...

(Zath stops Tatumia and gives her a hug realizing that Tatumia had been locking up her sadness of the two of them leaving after everything they had done together. As tears stream down her face knowing she might never see them again.)

Tatumia: I know I'm being selfish. I just... I want us to continue on like this. I haven't had this much fun in such a long time. I don't want this to end.

Zath: How about Azaan and I make a promise to you then?

Tatumia: A promise.

Zath: Azaan and I will return next year for your Ozini harvest and complete the quest your village requests. Do you think you can wait till then?

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