Episode 5: The Ozini Harvest

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(The next morning awakens for Zath and Azaan as a certain someone has the duty to awaken them both in the morning)

Tatumia: Hey! Wake Up! (Proceeds to bang on the door)

(Zath and Azaan both stagger up to open the door)

Zath: Yes, what is it?

Tatumia: Wake up it's time to harvest some Ozini. (looking at Azaan) BOTH OF YOU!

Zath: Alright, just give us a few minutes.

Tatumia: Breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes ok.

Zath: 5 minutes got it.

(Tatumia proceeds to close the door, leaving Zath and Azaan alone)

(Both yawning)

Zath: Well Azaan, let's do this and we should have some extra time to continue training later on today.

Azaan: Alright.

(Zath and Azaan head down stairs to eat breakfast where Tatumia's mother and father are awaiting them)

Zath: (Looking at both): Where's Tatumia?

Tatumia's father: We both sent her to the church today for work. You will see her later today.

Zath: Right. (remembering what happened last night)

Tatumia's father: So eat up both and we can get to harvesting.

(Azaan and Zath eat breakfast, and head out to harvest Ozini and learning that it is more difficult than thought. Azaan struggled lifting up the Ozini because of his malnourished and torn apart body mass. Meanwhile, Zath had problems understanding the directions being given by Tatumia's father when trying to cut the Ozini into slices. Time rolled on with almost all the villagers helping with the harvest, while Tatumia and the children stayed at the church to listen to the priest give his sermon and pass upon the divine teachings unto them. It would take 5 hours of time for the entire village to harvest Ozini for everyone for the day.)

Tatumia's father: Well, that's it for today. What do you guys think? (staring at a dead Azaan and Zath from either sheer work and begins to laugh)

Zath: That isn't even funny. I feel like my legs are going to fall off.

Azaan: I'm dead aren't I?

Tatumia's father: Not yet your not. Well you are both off for the rest of the day. Enjoy.

(Tatumia's father leaves them both as they lay on the grass exhausted from work)

Zath: Azaan, let's do about an hour of rest then let's get to training.

Azaan: Fine. Let's do it.

(Azaan and Zath both lay on the grass looking up at the sky viewing the clouds and enjoy the quiet seen as neither speak and instead listened to everything around them enjoying the various noises that surrounded them. They continued till Zath believed that an hour had gone by in her head)

Zath: Alright Azaan, it's time to get back to training I know a great place where none of them can find us so we won't break their rules.

Azaan: Yeah, let's get going.

(Azaan and Zath leave toward a secret place containing a waterfall at the base.)

Zath: I heard about this place from Tatumia's father. They say it's off limits to the entire village.

Azaan: Why is it off limits to them?

Zath: It has to do with there being a giant titron (troll) that likes to only eat Zanuthan Squirrels and other titrons and will treat anything else fine as long as they treat it nicely. So we will be fine.

Azaan: Ok if you say so.

Zath: (Giving Azaan another large tree branch: Here hold the branch as if it were a sword.

(Azaan proceeds to hold the branch like a sword)

Zath: No! (adjusts Azaan's hands and grip) There that is how you hold a sword now are you ready to remember what you learned yesterday. Concentrate you must feel the flogin flowing through you.

(Azaan closes his eyes and begins to concentrate, the blue flogin energy starts to form around his body)

Zath: Now let's begin for real!

(Zath pulls out her sword and releases her green flogin energy)

Zath: Come at me!

(Azaan begins to charge with the branch swinging as Zath begins to elude easily)

Zath: Come on is that all you've got!

(Azaan begins channeling more blue flogin energy increasing his speed to catch up with Zath's when all off a sudden a scream is heard nearby. Stopping training.)

Zath: Come on, let's run to them!

(Zath and Azaan both with their flogin energy run over to the scream where they see 3 terrified Zanuthan Squirrel girls running away from a titron (troll).

Girls scream: HELP US PLEASE!

(Zath and Azaan step in front to try to distract the titron but to no use as its eyes are red with hunger on the 3 girls as a snack.)

Zath: It's no use Azaan. We have to defeat it together. This can help with your training.

To be continued...

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