Episode 9: The true training begins

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(As 3 days go by Azaan continues training with Zath, Tatumia and Tatumia's mother harnessing his flogin. During that time, he has taken great strides in reading in flogin as he is able to read half of the book of Sistinius, thanks in part to Tatumia and her mother. This has allowed him to gain knowledge on Zanuthan texts, words and phrases. The next day in the field with Zath, Tatumia and Tatumia's mother, he is able to fully harness his blue flogin at the direction of his will.)

Tatumia: Wow! He really did it.

Zath: Unbelievable.

Tatumia's mother: He did it faster than anyone I've ever known. This is a pretty incredible achievement Azaan.

Azaan: I wouldn't have done it without all of your help.

Tatumia: That's true but you were the one to perform the tasks we set out for you and learned as much about the flogin as we know. It is incredible you were able to learn about everything so quickly.

Tatumia's mother: Azaan, now that you have learned to control your flogin and recovered from your injuries. You can finally return back to our house and no longer have to stay where you've been.

Azaan: Thank goodness. I didn't know how much longer I could take staying there. It wasn't considered the best place to stay.

Zath: That also means you and I can finally finish the quest and continue our training. That reminds me of something. You and I have to go see the village craftsman. He has something special for you.

Azaan: What is it?

Zath: It's a secret you will find out when we get there.

(Azaan and Zath walk togetherto the house of the village craftsman)

Zath: Hello it's me. I brought someone you would like to meet.

(The village craftsman enters from the back of the house.)

Craftsman: Hello, Zath good to see you again, and you brought the person I wanted to meet Azaan the hero himself.

Azaan: I'm not a hero.

Craftsman: That isn't true. Sartonia, could you come here for a second.

(Coming down from the stairs is Sartonia, one of the three that Azaan saved from titrons)

Sartonia: Hello Azaan. Nice to see you again.

Azaan: It's nice to see you again Sartonia.

Craftsman: You may not know this but Sartonia is my daughter. I have no words to express how happy I am to have you save her.

Azaan: You don't really owe me anything.

Craftsman: No, I believe I do. That is why thanks to Zath I was able to create something for you.

Azaan: What?

(Craftsman looking at Azaan and Zath motion them up to go upstairs in the house. They proceed to do so.)

Craftsman: Sorry for the secrecy. Nobody can know what I did here understand.

Azaan: No. I don't understand.

(Craftmsman motions Azaan at a trunk at the end of the hall)

Craftsman: Go ahead and open it. You will find something valuable from me in it.

(Azaan walks toward the end of the trunk and proceeds to open the trunk up and finds a new sword glittering from the sunlight illuminating from the hallway. He picks it up with shock and amazement at the sight.)

Azaan: How did you...

Craftsman: You can thank her for it. I approached her and begged her to do something to express my gratitude to the both of you. She said nothing was necessary, but finally relented and suggested I craft a sword for you. I had never crafted a sword before only the tools used to harvest Ozini. She helped assist me with the entire process and this is the result. My first ever sword crafted I call it the Azaan sword. I hope you like it.

Azaan: You know this village is peaceful, no weapons, nothing.

Craftsman: All the more for the secrecy about this. I can keep it hidden from everyone in the village until you and her come over for training.

Azaan: What training?

Zath: Azaan, it's time to get back to your battle training or do you not want to get stronger?

Azaan: No. I'm ready for anything now. After that experience, I can do it.

Zath: Good. That is why we are here. Training resumes right now. Are you sure you're ready?

Azaan: Yes.

Zath: Then let's go.

(Azaan and Zath go to the same spot they trained before. With Azaan determined to have the results change then previously.)

Zath: Draw swords!

(Both Azaan and Zath both draw swords facing one another.)

Zath: Now begin!

(Azaan charges Zath with his sword clashing with her sword. Charging with a flurry of swings with his sword as Zath easily deflects everyone of them.)

Zath: I think it is time to kick it up a notch, don't you?

Azaan: Let's do it.

Zath: Very well.

(Zath then showcases her green flogin to Azaan.)

Zath: Show me your serious about this. Show me what you've got!

(Azaan stops for a second knowing from all his flogin training and immediately feels the blue flogin flowing thoughout his body. Showcasing his flogin has been completely mastered and his readiness to finally learn to be stronger and no longer live in fear of anything. His past, his present and importantly his future.)

Azaan: You want this then let's do this! I'm no longer afraid. I will give everything to learn, to no longer experience fear, and sadness and to be stronger than anyone else! I refuse all of it!

Zath: Then come at me with your feelings show me what you've got!

(Azaan and Zath begin clashing swords with immense power from their respective flogin energies creating a bright blue-green coloration enveloping the entire forest around them. Their battle against one another being so incredibly intense to the very end.)

Zath: Azaan, you are good with controlling your flogin, but your sword skills are completely lacking.

Azaan: Yeah. I know, but I'm still going to keep pushing farther and farther. I can do it. I believe in the me that you believe in.

Zath: That's good to hear. I am relieved to see you in such high spirits after the incident.

Azaan: I won't let anything stand in my way. Not now, not ever!

Zath: Good, but you still have a long way to go to best me.

(Zath then proceeds to use a triple sword strike sending Azaan into a daze and shock as he is unable to counter and easily bested.)

Azaan: I give.

Zath: You may be good with your flogin, but you need to utilize techniques with a sword to be complete.

Azaan: I know.

Zath: Now let's go again.

(Azaan and Zath continued throughout the day training with each time Zath beating him due to her superior sword skills each and every time. Determined to continue on as Zath was easily beating him, Azaan started to understand the meaning and feeling of the sword. He wanted to continue for everyone in the village, Zath and most importantly for himself. In his mind nothing was going to break him with the state he is in. He will thrive and succeed. He believes that the dream he had earlier was leading him to this moment. To learn and to believe that he was destined for greatness)

To be continued...

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