Episode 6: The Titron Battle

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Zath: It's no use Azaan. We have to defeat it together. This can help with your training.

(As the titron (troll) looks at the little Zanuthan Squirrel girls with hungry red eyes Azaan and Zath stand in front ready to face the titron. It begins to charge towards them with blazing speed)

Zath: Azaan watch closely.

(With her green flogin Zath reaches out her right hand)

Zath: Get back!

(Her green flogin proceeds to push the charging Titron back over 100 yards as it feels the force of her powers as everyone looks at her with disbelief.)

Azaan: How did you do that?

Zath: Don't worry I will teach you eventually. Now stay focused on the titron (troll) it won't stay down.

(The titron flat on the ground proceeds to get up and now angered by being sent flying charges toward all of them at blazing speed)

Zath: Azaan, concentrate use your flogin to subdue the titron.

(As the titron begins to charge Azaan with his blue flogin energy charges toward it and with the stick goes for a shot and gets palmed away like a rag doll by the titrons right hand and flies into a tree and the ground. Spitting up blood, dazed at what had just occurred he sees Zath engage the titron. Dodging his attacks effortlessly Zath uses her flogin to knock out the titron unconscious with her sword striking its head with such force. She sees Azaan and proceeds to run over to him.)

Zath: Azaan, are you alright your bleeding pretty badly.

(Azaan spits out some more blood and proceeds to get up)

Azaan: I'm fine we should really be worried about the girls they are so scared they're shaking.

(Azaan and Zath walk over to the 3 Zanuthan (Human) Squirrel girls)

Zath: Hey, it's ok you're all ok right now please don't be scared.

(The 3 Zanuthan squirrel girls are so terrified they try to speak but no words can be released from their mouths Zath proceeds to hug all 3 of them)

Zath: You're all safe right now Azaan and I swear that we will get you all back to the village.

(Just as Zath says that a loud scream echoes through the forest wind. Zath hugging the three Zanuthan squirrel girls begins to look worried at what she had just heard.)

Zath: We have to get out of her NOW!

Azaan: What is it, what was that scream?

Zath: We have to go they're coming RUN EVERYONE RUN!!

(As Zath says that large footsteps are charging toward all of them from all directions at blazing speeds.)

Azaan: Oh no.

(Zath and Azaan and all 3 Zanuthan Squirrel girls begin to run as fast as they could as they realize that there are more titrons charging towards them. Azaan begins to realize that there is no escape and a confrontation was going to be a necessity for all of them to survive. Running frantically Zath realizes there is only option remaining.)

Zath: Azaan, we have to draw the titrons out to an open field. I'm going ahead to clear a path forward for everyone.

(One of the Zanuthan Squirrel girls try to muster up the strength to speak to Zath but is still consumed by fear that no words are able to exit her mouth)

Girl 1: Ppppppppppp please IIIIIII cccccccccan't rrrrrrrrrrun anymore.

Zath: Don't worry I can carry you on my back if you can't go anymore.

Girl 1: TTTTThhhannnkkkk yooooouuuuu.

(Zath proceeds to carry the girl and runs ahead to guide everyone through the forest onward to a clear opening as they run as fast as possible they make it out of the forest with titrons closing on on their scent with hunger in their eyes.)

Zath: We made it and not a moment to spare because here they come.

(Titrons numbering at 30 all around the open field all awaiting an opportunity to charge in to consume a quick snack they have longed for in years.)

Zath: Azaan, I will deal with the ones in the back you deal with the ones in the front. Got it.

Azaan: I don't think I can do it.

Zath: Azaan you can do it. I believe in you. Believe in yourself as I believe in you.

Azaan: Got it.

(Azaan and Zath have their flogin light up simultaneously. Azaan grasps the stick he had been given earlier and Zath pulling her sword out of its sheath. As they are all gathered in the middle of the field surrounded by never ending forest the titrons all begin charging simultaneously towards them. Zath charges towards them in the rear with Azaan charging in the front. As they charge on Azaan gets swatted away by the first titron sending him flying into the sky. Azaan doesn't panic remaining calm and focused is able to fall onto another titron's shoulders breaking his fall. He swings his stick with his flogin but it ends up doing no harm to the titron. Zath is meanwhile cutting through the titrons with her sword but using a lot of flogin is causing her to fatigue. This allows one of the titrons to charge by her and take one of the girls, who proceeds to scream with agony and faint, Zath using so much flogin is entering her limit. She continues to fight off the Titron's and rushes toward the titron carrying the girl with little flogin she has left.)

Azaan: (thinking to himself): I I can't do it. They are all going to die in front of me.

(Zath is able to cut the titron's arm freeing the girl and catches her breathing heavily clearly using a lot of flogin)

Zath: Azaan. Please.

(Zath's eyes proceeds to close and she slowly falls to the ground from overexerting flogin and from all the work earlier in the day. Azaan sees this as tears stream down his face he hears a voice)

Voice: Young man call upon the Treekanin (Phoenix) in your heart. Use it to save everyone.

(Swordland plays)


(The blue flogin in Azaan's body reappears flowing throughout his body he runs over and grabs Zath's sword as he carries her over to the two other Zanuthan Squirrel girls. Holding Zath's sword Azaan screams out.


(As Azaan calls this his blue flogin soars to the sky in the form of a treekanin (phoenix) and soars toward all the titrons burning them all in a searing flame of blue. Causing them all to be burned as the other two Zanuthan Squirrel girls watch with shock as they are saved. All is calm as Azaan then proceeds to pass out from the sheer amount of flogin exerted on an extraordinary attack.)

To be continued...  

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