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It was senior night and by all means I was gonna show my ass tonight.

"Number 10 y'all say with me T O."

"T O!" The crowd responded

"N I!"

"T O N I, that's right!" The cheerleaders joined as I walked out

"Miss Toniiii Braxtonnnn." I ran out waving as the crowd cheered for me.  High-fiving my teammates.

"Do yo dance Tone! Do yo dance Tone!"

"T O N I!"

"Alright Ms. Braxton."

"Alrighh Nelson."

I sat on the bench while he called the other players. While sitting someone tapped me on my shoulder.

"Look behind me." A man said shifting so I could see, it was Janet. How did she know about my game tonight, I haven't talked to her since that night in the park and that was a week ago. I've been meaning to call her but I've been back and forth with practice.

She made her way down sitting behind me.



"Sorry I haven't called you-."

"It's fine."

"Senior night, pretty big huh?"

"I guess."

"You gone show out?"

"Ima go all the way off, leave this damn court burning by the time I'm done."

"Well cut up then, I'll be cheering for you."

"I appreciate it, how'd you know about the game tonight?"

"Uh see, I overheard while I was at the gas station and thought I would show up, hopefully no one with notice me like this." Looking at her attire they probably wouldn't. She had on a somewhat oversized tshirt black jeans and a cap that said kiss my ass.

"You look like me when I go to practice so nobody won't notice."

"Oh wow."


"Looks like the game about to start."

"Good luck."

"Thank you."

Man let me tell you a bitch was outchea breaking ankles. Every ball I threw they kept going in, one after another and another.

I can't lie and say the other team won't good, because they were but I was better.  I was going up for a dunk when bout 3 defense came at my ass one swept the foot under my leg and I went down almost in slow motion. My head hit the floor as the buzzer went off and immediate pain took my whole right leg.

"Ahh!"  The red came wit a medic as diamond a girl from my team started fighting one the girls that took me down.

"Charging foul! They cheated!"I'm guessing they were playing back

"No foul."

"What?! Man hell nah, 34 swept her leg behind me man."

"Fuck this game dawg!" Diamond walked off taking off her jersey. Walking with me as they carried me to the back.

"Toni, man I'm sorry."

"Nah, they just some cheaters. Go out there and cut they ass Di, for me. T O N I." She held my hand tightly.

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