Chapter 7

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Not edited. Please forgive the slowness of my updates. As many of you know I usually update quite fast but I found I was in a lull as to exactly how to take this story further. I knew the story line but getting it there was a problem. All sorted now :)


She knew it was just a matter of time. Many secrets would be revealed. Some would find it a shock but others would be relieved.

She sat at the side of the pond watching her daughter as she had many times before. Now, in the arms of her love, she would find the strength to walk into the future she was destined to live.

Her heart ached as a mothers should to know that she could never claim Nellie as her own... at least not without him. He wanted to pretend they didn't exist while she could never forget. Cool winter nights had been spent wrapped in his arms in front of an open fire. Promises of a future were made though none were kept.

She found she couldn't hate him regardless as to how much she tried. In the months before he left she saw his other side. As the God of thunder his voice and actions matched them completely. She knew she was in no physical danger with him but she was in danger of losing who she was to his manipulative ways. When their beautiful daughter was born she saw the man she first knew. His eyes had filled with love and pride and then all too soon with sorrow. She believed it was because they knew they needed to protect their daughter by hiding her and knowing he wouldn't be there to guide her through life. If there was one thing for certain, Nellie would never have been treated the way she was if he'd been in her life. He would have killed anyone who dared without a second thought.

His parting words had stayed with Misty over the years. Spoken with conviction he said "I will make sure she's protected when it's time for her to reach for her destiny."

He'd left Misty as he finished those words and she now knew that without a doubt that he was referring to Sander. In time everyone would know exactly who Sander was; she only hoped

they were prepared for him.

Slowly the pond stilled and the reeds became one with the water once more. She stood and with a thought she returned to her home. The time was nearing, soon Janella would be returning.


He didn't think he could ever be more ashamed of his son but he was. The treatment of Lily was inexcusable. He'd talked with his son when he first came to mention Lily and his feelings for her. Although he'd been worried he saw for the first time in years that his son had a smile that reached his eyes and he had to admit that he was glad. Glad that Cam had finally accepted that Janella was gone.

Although he was glad that Janella would be returning and he would announce to her that she was his heir he couldn't help but wonder if maybe things would be better if she'd stayed hidden. It was a thought he wouldn't pay much credence to as he began to prepare for the day when she returned.

It would be soon as the phone call from Ethan had implied. Nellie's son was a wolf. At the age he was he shouldn't be showing any signs of wolf behaviour. He was too young. It led Paul to one conclusion only... Alex's wolf was a powerful one and the sooner they returned the better and knowing that Janella probably still had her wolf was very pleasing to him, he just had to find out how?


He sat in the loungeroom waiting for his girl. He'd spoken to the Alpha and it hadn't gone as well as he'd hoped. While Paul had accepted without any doubt that Alex was a wolf he didn't want to take any chances with Nellie or Alex becoming exposed and he ordered them home. Ethan reasoned that if he was to push that with Janella that she would back off again and it would take longer for them to return. At one point Sander had taken over and the decision was that they would return in two months. A decision he now had to tell her.

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