Chapter 10:

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The next day throughout all my classes Draco acted towards me like any normal day. He teased me, annoyed me and was just being an all-around ass. It made me feel like an even bigger fool then yesterday. He didn't care for me; he's making it very clear that no one must find out about the kiss. I was sitting in my last class of the day and I couldn't wait to get out of there since not only was I bored but I had to sit next to Draco and it's very awkward to say the least. I kept tapping my foot, sighing and fidgeting. Finally Draco put his hand over my mine that had been tapping the desk.

"Jumpy are we, babe?" Draco smirked.

I glared at him. "Piss off, Malfoy" I growled.

"Jumping will not make the clock go any faster you know."

"You know, I see your mouth moving and I want it to stop."

Draco chuckled. "You love my mouth."

I growled. "Shut the hell up."

"You know it's true." Draco's hand landed on my thigh and I slapped it away.

"Keep your slimy hands off me, you asshole."

"Miss Taylor." Professor McGonagall said.

My head snapped up to see McGonagall was slightly glaring at me. "Would you like to demonstrate the spell that I had everyone practice last night?"

From her expression I could tell that she wasn't asking. I slightly nodded and cursed myself silently for not practicing the damn spell. I stood in front of the class and McGonagall told me the spell, which it was supposed to turn the thing or person into a small dog,

"What should I use it on?" I asked, looking around the room.

"How about on Mr. Malfoy. Since you two were clearing talking about how well you could perform the spell."

"Clearly" Draco muttered.

"Rise, Mr. Malfoy, unless of course you two both didn't practice the spell and would rather have detention."

Draco muttered something under his breath before standing before me in front of the class. Suddenly I felt anger surge through me as I thought about all the crap I had to go through for Draco and how he never gave a damn about me. He teases me, treats me like shit all the time and led me to believe that he might actually care for me if only a little. A smirk made its way on my lips and realization seemed to dawn on Draco and his eyes widened.  I lifted my wand up and aimed it at his chest. Suddenly the words of the spell McGonagall had given me seemed to fade from my mind. 

"Stupefy" I said instead.

Draco flew across the room and hit the wall. Everyone in the class laughed and McGonagall was not happy. She ran over to Draco who was shakily getting to his feet and gave me an incredulous look. I just smirked at him. McGonagall quieted the class and told them they could go and Draco and I had to stay. When everyone was gone McGonagall turned to look at me.

"Miss Taylor. What you did was inappropriate and a violation to not only what I told you to do but also to our school rules. Is there something going on with you and Mr. Malfoy?" McGonagall asked, looked between Draco (who was leaning against one of the desks) and me.

"No. There is definitely nothing going on between us, Professor." I said, wanting to leave already.

"Mr. Malfoy you may leave. As for you Miss Taylor, ten points from Ravenclaw and you have detention. After dinner come straight here and I'll figure something for you to do."

"Yes, Professor" I said and walked out of the room, Draco on my heels.

"What the hell was that?" Draco asked, coming into a step next to me when we were out of the classroom.

"I don't have to answer that."

"Oh yes you do. What the hell is your problem?"

I clenched my teeth. "You're my damn problem, Malfoy. Just leave me alone."

"If this about yesterday-"

"Save it. You've already made a fool out of me, don't rub it in." I hissed.

I started walking faster and this time Draco didn't try and catch up.

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