Part 3:Iris's new pokemon!

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Now that Iris was once again traveling with Ash and his friends,she felt a little strange around her raven haired friend,it's like he was a totally different person. The main thing is that of course he was taller than before,but his personality was totally different,its like he wasn't even a kid anymore...She was soon snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a cry in the forest behind them. "H-hey,did you guys hear that?" She asked her friends "It was probably just your imagination Iris,now lets get going" Ash told her,but she refused to listen to him. She could've sworn to herself she heard the cry,so without anyone noticing,she and Axew ran into the woods to see where the cry came from.

Iris and Axew searched around the woods for a while when she heard the same cry again,so she followed where the cry was coming from to find a bunch of guys tightly gripping a pokemon! "HEY,YOU LET THAT POOR POKEMON GO" Iris yelled "Hah,fat chance kid,we're gonna sell this little runt and become rich!" The leader said with a sneer which made Iris furious! "WELL I'M NOT LETTING YOU CREEPS SELL IT ON MY WATCH,GO DRAGONITE" She yelled releasing her fierce (and grumpy lol) dragonite. "Huh,a dragonite eh? Well this will be interesting" the leader said smugly "now,go seismitoad!" He said releasing the water and ground type pokemon while the others released their palpitoads (OH LORD THEY'RE SO UGLY) "bring it!" Iris said clutching her fists 

Time skip to the end of the battle cause I'm lazy \( ̄3 ̄)/

The battle between Iris and the pokemon hunters lasted for quite a while,but Iris and dragonite had just won thankfully because it was not an easy battle,but they were luckily able to squeeze through. "Arg! You stupid kid! Have your stupid Noibat! We don't need it anyways!" The leader growled as he ran off with the others "dragonite,return" Iris said returning her dragonite and then turned around to see the pokemon who was tied up so it wouldn't escape. She walked up to the pokemon and gently untied it from the ropes. "There you go,your free now" she said softly ,but when she started to walk off to find the others,the pokemon quickly ran up to her and grabbed her leg "huh,what is it?" She asked,the pokemon ran off int the bush and came out with a pokemon ball and pushed it in front of her. 

"Wait,you want me to catch you?" Iris said in shock as it nodded. Iris thought about it for a second. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to catch it,I mean,it would be my first pokemon from Kalos..." She thought when she finally made up her mind "ok! I'll catch you!" Iris said grinning "Noibat!" The pokemon cheered in excitement "oh so Noibat is your name? I like it!" She said gently pressing the pokeball on its forehead as it went inside the pokeball,it shivered around for a bit till it was sealed shut.

"Alright! I just caught a Noibat!" Iris cheered as Axew jumped up and cheered as well.

"Now Noibat,come on out!" Iris said throwing up the pokeball releasing the newest member of her team. 

"Noi!" Noibat said jumping into her arms and then snuggling her (AWWWWWWWW SO CUTE I CAN'T-) "aw,I guess I'll just carry you instead of just keeping you in the pokeball!" She said petting its head (Iris's Noibat is a shiny btw) "Now,lets go back,the others are probably wondering where I am" Iris chuckled as both Axew and Noibat agreed as they ran out the forest to find their friends.

"Iris? Iris where are you?" Ash said while searching for Iris. He,Clemont,Bonnie,and Serena have been searching for about an hour for Iris and have had no successful chances of finding her. "Well it looks like Iris could've just left us,so I guess we should get going" Serena said smugly "no Serena,I'm not giving up,Iris is my friend and I know she would never ditch us" Ash told her when suddenly...

"Hey guys! Sorry if I frighted you about me disappearing!"

It was Iris! And she wasn't even hurt! She also had a Noibat in her arms. "IRIS!!!" Ash said running up to her while Serena just huffed. "Where were you? Are you hurt? Why did you run off like that? What happened?" Ash asked her as he continued to ask her A LOT of more questions "calm down Ash,I'm perfectly fine. Oh,and this is Noibat!" Iris told him showing her new pokemon "Wow cool! I've never seen one like that before!" Ash said with sparkles in his eyes when both Ash and Iris's stomachs growled "wow,I'm starving,let's eat!" Ash said "ok!" Iris replied.

Phew,that took me forever to write,but at least I finally got it done,I hope you liked this chapter!! :D

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