"Hans, you already have it." I reply auspiciously, letting his hands hold mine.

"Elsa... They're only going to keep coming back. They won't stop until there are twelve kingdoms." He croons, looking at me seriously.

I pause for nearly three minutes before looking at the book. I pull my hands out of Hans' grasp and I take the book in my hands.

"Does this book mean anything to you?" I ask him, handing him the book. "You've described everything that I read in here." I add in a sullen whisper.

He takes the book in his hands and runs his fingertips over the golden title.

"Where did you get this?" Hans questions me, holding up the book.

"I just found it in my study." I answer quietly.

"I don't understand... how it could possibly end up here." Hans mutters under his breath.

"Why, where's it from?" I ask him.

"My sister, Hanna..." He begins, pointing out the author's name on the title page. "...was writing this before she died. Last I ever saw of it, was in her room, on her desk. It was still open to the page she was writing the morning before she died." Hans explains, opening the book to a half written page.

"...the twelve brothers convinced the thirteenth son to become a king. The rising sun shined brightly as the thirteenth son's boat set off towards the last kingdom. The kingdom that had been left a mystery for near two decades, was soon to be..."

I listen to Hans read the last, unfinished paragraph.

"She never finished the paragraph, let alone the sentence. My brothers must have gotten to her first..." He sighs sadly.

"Hans... how did Hanna die?" I ask, not wanting to intrude, but curiosity gets the best of me.

"They say that it was a tragic accident. That the fire was an accident, but I know better." He murmurs, looking off into the distance.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"It's not your fault." He replies, closing the book and setting it on the table in front of the love-seat.

I get up and walk out on the balcony in the sitting room. I lean on the railing and look out.

"What did we ever do to anyone? All we ever wanted was to keep the ones we love safe. Look at the consequences we're suffering." I mutter angrily.

He puts a hand on my shoulder and I turn to face him. I let him wrap his arms around me and we stand in the lightly falling flurries embracing.

"There were perks though." He points out.

"Like?" I ask.

"Without me being forced here, I never would have met you." He answers with a smile. "And ice magic isn't so bad, you know. It's not as destructive as fire, and you can create the most beautiful things with it." Hans adds with a sweet look in his eye.

"I guess, but I've hurt so many people because of my powers." I bring out the flaws.

"Elsa..." He gives a small smile. "...if you think only of the bad things, you'll never be able to move on. Trust in the good." He tells me wisely.

I hug him tighter and he puts a hand under my chin. He looks me in the eyes.

"Elsa..." He begins. "...I believe in you. I believe that you're good, even if you think you're not." He tells me reassuringly.

"Hans, can I tell you something?" I ask him.


"I think I'm in love with you." I whisper to the one I was sure I'd never fall for.

The one I couldn't let myself fall for. Yet here I am, admitting my love for him.

"Elsa, I know I'm in love with you." He replies, turning me around and kissing me.

When pulls back and looks at me, I want to speak, but don't know what to say.

"Elsa, promise me you'll never take yourself as a monster again." He pleads me.

"I promise." I swear.

He nods and leaves the balcony. I stand there like an idiot. Point for him, this is the second time he's left me speechless on a balcony in the same week. I let a smile spread across my face.


Sorry for the short chapter guys. Just thought of this as a short plot enhancer because I didn't want to make a 10 page chapter instead of my usual 2-5 page chapter. The song I chose for this chapter was All Your Life by the Band Perry.

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