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"Yo! What you doing?! Aye!!! Stop it muthfucka! " I yelled at Michael as we were playing 2k15. His ass was always cheating.

"Alright, you knew the bet. If I won you had to give me hickeys. Come suck on papa. " Michael said getting in my face while he was trying to take his shirt off at the same. This boy is an utter and complete mess. I'm bout ready to pop and he making do all this unnecessary and uncalled for shit. He gone get shot down.

Oh Yeah. I'm 8 and a half months pregnant. My belly is so huge. The baby been kicking and everything. Michael and I have been planning for his/her birth for the past few. We've got the bags ready to go, and his / her nursery all ready to go. Since we didn't want to know the sex we just went with neutral. And we named the baby already. If it's a boy it's gone be Michael Jr. And if it's a girl it's gone be Sha'Nya Rae Salyna Stevenson.

I know y'all like what the fuck? What the fuck, fuck, fuck? Why the hell is Salyna name in that thing. That shit need to be taken out. Fuck that and Blaasae, Blaasae. But quite frankly I do not give a damn my dears.

Lately, I just could not get Salyna off my mind. I mean what If she is my sister. I finally have family. Ill finally have a baby sister to teach and nurture because I'm pretty sure moms didn't teach her that. And I know I'm having a baby to do all that with, but still I what a sister. I just want some family.


"Bree bear? Bree Bree? Bree cakes? " I said as I started to slide my finer in between her legs and That's when she woke up from her daze. I lowkey thought she was gone go into labor.

I can't wait for her to have my child. It's gone be so special. I judge already know she gone be doing the up most bruh. She gone wake me up like 'Mikey pooh! My water broke. Hand me my makeup compact and heels' . She stay doing the most bruh. But That's the main reason Why I love her.

I can tell that Salyna girl been on her mind a lot. That's all she could talk about and how she wanted a sister so bad. Like girl if you don't getcho goddamn... But nah. I know bree always wanted a little sister. And I know if she find out Salyna is her little sister, then it's gone be able to fill that empty voice she had inside.


Authors note: Sorry this is so lame. I just wanted to write something to hold y'all over. But let me know how y'all like it, feel free to comment and Fmoi @amourpvris. Love y'all.

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