Love ?

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When I walk on the bus Tyga is right there to greet me. He gives me a hug and says, "Welcome to the Tyga crew, this is Honey, K-Mac, RIck, John, Jordan, and Shaun the bus driver." They all looked at me and smiled. I felt so welcome, and I didnt know that Kevin McCall was touring with him. I was so psyched when I shook his hand, it was so big and soft. And he was so big and muscular. And he was just so perfect.

Anyway Tyga or Michael as I should say, was staring at me for the longest time to the point I started to blush. I havent blushed in a long time. He cleared his throat and said, "Well, now that I let you meet everyone, I should show where around the tour bus." The bus was sooo big it looked like a mini house. He took me took to the back and said, "Sabryna, this is where your going to be sleeping, and I sleep in the same area but you can have the choice of the top or the bottom, it doesnt matter to me. But down there to left is the bathroom and thats the chill area with the wii, ps3, xbox, and 2k you know the usual in a mans house." "Well, I can sleep on the bottom, dont tell anyone but I have a fear heights and falling from heights., shhh" I said with a giggle. He giggled too and said, "Its Okay, your secrets safe with me, so you can just get yourself settled in and if you need me, I'll be out in the chill zone beating K-Mac in some 2k..." I smiled and looked around and set my stuff down.

All I could think about was how down to earth Michael was. I mean you would never think of a hardcore rapper like him to be such a gentleman. When he looks at you with those Pretty Brown Eyes it just makes you melt inside. He will make someone a wonderful husband someday, I remember I used to dream about us getting married when he first hit the scene. Those were the good ole days.

All of a sudden a call comes through on my phone and its Jerzee. I answer it and she crying saying how much she misses me. She makes me cry too and now I feel like a baby because im feeling homesick and were not even in Ohio yet. Michael comes in while im on the phone and sees me crying. He immediatly sits down next to me and says, "Whats Wrong Sabryna, Is it something that I did?" I look up into his brown eyes and smile and say, "Michael, its nothing that you did its just I feel homesick because one of my bestfriends called me, and shes making me think about the good times, ya know." "Aye you had to leave home some time didnt you, so why not it be now, I mean your 19 and beautiful and its time for you to spread out and look at new things." He hugs me and I hug him back. Then he loosens his arms and looks down into my eyes and leans in to kiss me, and it was so good.

Then he opens his eyes and says, "Umm, I'm sorry I dont know what came over me-." I stop him and say, "Its Ok, you dont have to apologize, I mean you would only be sorry if I didnt like it." We both laugh and he clears his throat and says," Well I have to get back to chillin with K-Mac and Jordan in the chill zone but ill catch up with you later." I nod my head and he walks out. After he left I was smiling so hard and I did my happy dance. I mean it was so nice to have someone care about me like that. It was so magical and I dont know am I in Love with Michael? Cant be, I mean we're just friends; close friends. But then why did he kiss me? And why did I enjoy it so much? But I just met him yesterday, or was it love at first sight? Wow, I think Im love with Michael Stevenson.....

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