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I went home after the shop and went up to my room, as I didn't want to see my dad or new 'stepmum'. I went on my phone and scrolled down Instagram. Cory had posted


♥️ Liked by _missybooth and 126 others@ danfairfax nice one@ chloevoyle cool kid coryy @ shannonburns fit @ candicemurgatroyd 😍meet me soon

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♥️ Liked by _missybooth and 126 others
@ danfairfax nice one
@ chloevoyle cool kid coryy
@ shannonburns fit
@ candicemurgatroyd 😍meet me soon

I quickly got my shoes and coat on and left my house. I walked to corys house and knocked on the door. Kevin answered it and looked at me. I tensed up a bit, however he moved out of the way for me to walk in. I went straight up to corys room. He looked round at me and smiled.
"What you doing" I asked cheerily.
"Ps4, how are you" he asked me
"My dads back, with his new wife" I told him
"Is that good?" He asked me
"I don't know, she's a right bitch and I used to be terrified of him. He abused my mum and me" I told him
"I promise it will be alright" Cory told me, holding his arms out. I sat on his lap and hugged him, and felt safe and warm for the first time in a while. We lay down in his bed and cuddled.

"I'm glad I've got you cory" I whispered to him.
"I'm glad I've got you too" he whispered back. He kissed my neck, giving me a hickey. I kept cuddling him and finally forgot about everything that was stressing me out and I relaxed.

We stayed hugging and lying in his bed for a while until my phone started ringing. "For gods sake that'll be my dad" I told cory. I looked at my phone and sure enough it was. I turned my ringer of and ignored the call, as I didn't want to talk to him. "Do you want to stay here tonight?" Cory asked me. "Um yeah I will actually, thanks babe" I told him. He smiled at me and I kissed his lips softly. "Let's get a beer" Cory told me, standing up. "Oo your hard" i joked. We went downstairs and into the kitchen and got 2 beers from the fridge. He opened mine for me and handed it to me. "Why thank you" I said taking it. "No problem" Cory said back.

"I'm going t'pub" Kevin yelled through to us, before walking out of the house. "Yes, free house" Cory exclaimed. I giggled a bit, excitedly. "I'm ready, to do it" I told him softly. "Are you sure, I don't want to rush you" Cory smiled at me. "I'm sure" I told him. Cory smirked at me and took a big sip of his beer. We went upstairs and into corys room, and locked the door. I lay on the bed with cory lying on top of me. He took his tie and shirt of and kissed me. Cory unbuttoned my shirt with one hand, which made me realise he's had a lot of practise however I didn't really mind.

The next morning I woke up in corys bed, both of us were naked. The house was silent as it was like 6ish in the morning. I left the sleeping cory, and had a quick shower and then got my school uniform back on. I walked back into the corys room and lay next to him in the bed and scrolled through Instagram. I had 10 missed calls from my dad, and I knew he would be angry at me, so I decided to text him just so he knew I was safe.

To dad
Stayed at my friends house. Phone died soz

After a while, corys alarm went of and he reluctantly turned it of. He kept sleeping for a couple minutes before turning around and grinning at me. "Morning babe" I said softly, in a cute voice. "Morning" he said back cheerily. "My backs fucking hurting now" I joked. "I'm good ain't i" Cory smirked. "Your alright" I told him jokily, as to be fair to him, he was very good. "Fucks sake we got school" Cory moaned. "I know, you better get ready" I told him, as it was 7 now. Cory nodded and left his room to have a shower. My phone buzzed and I looked down to see it was a text from my dad.

From Dad
Not happy that you didn't tell me!

I looked at it, and actually felt a bit at ease as he didn't sound too angry, more just your usual disappointed parent when a teenager does something wrong. To pass time waiting for Cory, I started to do my makeup sitting by corys mirror, as I hadn't had much sleep last night, and you could tell by my eye bags. I ended up doing a full face of makeup, which I don't usually do for school, as I just can't be bothered. I took a couple of selfies and then Cory finally returned, all showered and in his uniform. "Miss me" he asked. "Of course" I told him. "Ah you look pretty, you've done mascara" he exclaimed. "A lot more than just mascara, and thank you cor" I grinned at him, enjoying all the compliments he gave me.

"Let's Go get breakfast" Cory told me. "Alright I'm starving" I told him. We went downstairs and into the kitchen. Kevin was standing by the toaster, making tea. "Morning" cory Said to him. "Alright" Kevin said back. "What do you want ?" Cory asked me. "I'll just have toast please" I told cory. He nodded and put a couple of slices into the toaster. "Do you have any frees today?" Cory asked me. "Yeah two I think" I told him. "Lucky, ive got that fucking rugby thing mr bells making us do, just cos I shoved Riz" Cory told me. "Your Good at Rugby, I'll come and watch" i told him. "Ah nice, alright" Cory smiled at me. Kevin started to shove some bedsheets into the washing machine, that looked damp. "I'm gonna stop washing his sheets soon, just put him in a nappy and get on with it" Kevin exclaimed. "Fairs" Cory answered. I guessed they meant Jordan still wet the bed.

We got our toast and walked into the living room. Jordan was sitting down on the phone and had his hand on his head. He still had a black eye and a bruise on his cheek. The girl on the phone sounded like she was yelling.
"No I'm not letting you see him, your not able to look after him! I'll have to look after jamie and you!" She yelled through the phone.
"It's my kid too, come on candice please" jordan said.
"No, you put him in a bag!"
"I didn't have a choice you stormed of" jordan said back.
"Your not seeing him, ask me again and I'll set my brothers on you!" Candice yelled and I heard the phone hang up.

Jordan took his phone away from his ear and put it in his pocket. "Stop wasting your time, I've told you, shes slept with everyone" cory smirked. "Shh Cory" I told him, as I knew it would annoy jordan. Jordan didn't bother reply and he picked his bag up and left the house.

"My dad keeps texting me" I told cory, as my phone kept vibrating. "What is he saying" Cory asked me. "I don't know, he'll be angry, knowing him" I admitted to Cory. "Do you want me to go home with you tonight, make sure everything's alright?" Cory questioned, as he was worried about me. "Im sure it will be fine, thanks cory" I gave him a little smile, however I was a bit scared.

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