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After what happened with Jordan, he got sent home for the day. His dad came and picked him up, as i saw Jordan's dad, kevin, grabbing hold of Jordan's blazer collar and pulling him away.

I walked with Cory to the changing rooms. He was annoyed with what Jordan did, as now everyone thinks he is a racist.

"see ya after class" he told me. "okay, see ya" i grinned. I turned round to walk away when Cory up from behind and hugged me. I giggled and turned around looking into his big, ocean blue eyes, that were staring into my brown eyes, admiringly. I've heard about Cory being a bit of a fuckboy, but he looked like he really liked me. "Cory i've got to get to lesson stupid" i joked. "come round after school, call it a study session" he winked at me and walked of. I blushed at what he was winking about. What we do round his house? I put the questions to the side and went to lesson. I sat down next to shannon. "have ye got a thing with that cory wilson or summat" she questioned. "no we're just friends" i replied calmly. "he'd go for anything him, been with every girl in the school" she told me. "right" i answered. I didn't worry about what she just said. I barely knew the boy and i want to get to know him, without other people telling me things about him from the past. People change.

Miss sharif started teaching the lesson. "and they are organisms"
A boy belted up from his chair and started making sexy noises jokingly.
"yes yes, organisms does sound like orgasms, can we grow up please year12? Save the crude flirting for the playground"
"or not at all if you want teeth at the end of the day!" nas spat from across the class.
The class all "oohed" and Nas got called up by Miss Sharif. I didn't hear what they were saying though.

The bell rang for home time, so i went to meet Cory. I was excited as something about Cory makes me happy and exited and shy and just everything.

"hello jessica" a deep voice came from behind me. I turned round and saw Cory smirking. "posh now are we?" "i wish" he replied grinning. We walked out of school, going at a slow pace. I felt his hand sliding next to mine, and he started intertwining our fingers. I held his hand and he held mine until we got to his house. "it's a tip by the way" he warned me, before walking in. I went in after him. "do you want a coke or sumthing" he asked me. "ah yes please" i replied. Cory trailed down the hall to the kitchen and i followed. As i went past the living room, i saw Jordan sitting on the couch, looking thoroughly miserable. His dad was sitting next to him, towering over Jordan, even when sitting. He had empty bottles of beer all round him, and was currently sipping a fresh one. "here you go" Cory handed me a can. "why thank you" i replied.

"Cory?" Corys dad yelled out. "yeah?" Cory answered, walking into the living room. "oh nothing." his dad replied. "New girl?" his dad asked, nodding over to me. Cory didn't say anything, but his dad grinned. "that's my son!"
Jordan muttered under his breath. "nonce"
Kevin glared at Jordan. "what'd you say?" He demanded, although he full well heard what he said. Jordan didn't say anything. Kevin slapped Jordan round the face hard, hard enough for me to hear the slap connect to his face cheek. Jordan flinched as the slap stung but he didn't say anything. Almost like he was used to it. Jordan turned away from where me and Cory were standing, embarrassed about what just happened.

"let's go upstairs alright" Cory announced to me. "okay" i replied, having a final glance at Jordan and Kevin, still glaring angrily at Jordan. We got to Corys bedroom. We sat down on his bed. "sorry bout that" Cory told me, unbothered. "no no it's fine, is he alright?" i asked. "who?" he asked. "well jordan" " yeh yeh" he answered me. "okay good" i said. "does your dad slap him a lot?" i asked. "n- no, jordan is trouble, he just needs tough love, otherwise the boy wouldn't stop" "oh right" i replied, unsure if he was telling the truth. "i'm getting kinda peckish now, are you?" "yeah a bit actually" i replied.

"JORDAN" cory yelled down the stairs. Jordan didn't reply. We stomped down the stairs into the living room. "Jordan!" cory demanded. "what" jordan spat. "jesus you can at least reply, go down the chippy for me" Cory said. "no go yourself fatty" Jordan sniggered. Kevin slapped Jordan at the back of his head. "go!" kevin told Jordan. "oh it's fine i can go" i announced. "see it's fine she can go" Jordan announced smugly. "no Jordan just go" Cory told him. Jordan reluctantly stood up and trailed over to Cory, being so over dramatic and making sure everyone knew he didn't want to go. He sighed and took the money Cory was holding out to him. "gimme your ID" jordan whispered to Cory. "you won't be able to do anything with it, you look bout 12" Cory sniggered. "act like it and all!" Kevin joined in laughing.

Jordan stormed out the house and went to the chippy. He came back about 20 minutes later, with his hair all scruffy infront of his face and orange stains all over his school shirt. Me and Cory were sitting in the living room on the sofa cuddled up together. Jordan knocked on the door and Kevin went up and answered it. "oi what happened to your shirt" Kevin asked, licking his finger and trying to wipe of the orange stains. "i spilt lucozade on it" jordan replied. "stupid git" his dad replied. Jordan came in and chucked Cory the chips. "cheers, where's me change" Cory asked. "my commission" Jordan smugly replied. "Jordan take of the shirt i'll chuck it in the wash" Kevin called out from the kitchen. Jordan walked out and took of his shirt and handed it to his dad. He came back in and sat the other side of Cory, getting as far away from him as he could. "put on a top, no one wants to see your nips" Cory joked. Jordan got glued to his phone and ignored Cory.

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