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Mr bell went with Jordan to drop the baby of with candice. I stayed in school and went and found cory. "Hey" i said, surprising him. "Alright" he said smirking, looking me up and down. "What have you got next" i asked him. "Pe" he told me. I nodded. "Right don't Tell him i told you, but jordan brought that baby into school" I told cory, not wanting to keep it a secret from him. "What the fuck" Cory said, his smile turning into a scowl. "It's fine, mr bells sorted it, but they'll probably call your dad" I told cory. I looked at cory still scowling, as the bell rang. I hugged him and ran of to meet with Nas, to go to biology with.

Mr bell came back to school with Jordan, after dropping the baby of. Cory walked down the corridor towards the changing room when he saw mr bell and Jordan. "Alright Go get changed kiddo" mr bell told Jordan, leaving him and walking into his office.
"Oi what were you playing at!" Cory yelled over to jordan. "I didn't have a choice" jordan said back to Cory. "Your so fucking stupid Jordan, why do you Even Care about this kid, she's been with millions of people, it ain't yours!" Cory said. "Shut up!" Jordan Said, screwing his face up, annoyed at cory.

Cory shoved Jordan hard, into a door, making Jordan bash his head. Jordan's head started bleeding a bit. Jordan shoved Cory back, however was a lot smaller than Cory. "It ain't your fucking kid, candice is just pretending, she doesn't like you jordan. Dad told you to ignore her, your gonna get battered by him for this" Cory said, shoving jordan again. Jordan then lost it and Cory and Jordan started fighting. Cory was going lightly on the smaller jordan, however a crowd started gathering. "Fight fight fight" everyone chanted. Cory shoved Jordan to the floor and sat on top of him, pinning Jordan's shoulders down. He punched Jordan once, and Jordan's lip got split open and started bleeding. Jordan tried to get up but couldn't as Cory was pinning him down. Cory punched him again in the eye, harder than he wanted to go. Mr bell and Mrs Carter ran out to stop them fighting. "Cory stop!" Mr bell yelled. Mr bell grabbed Cory and pulled him of Jordan, whilst Mrs Carter picked the angry jordan up and held him back. Jordan was still trying to attack cory, but Mrs Carter was able to hold him back. Mr bell pushed Cory to the direction of the changing room as Cory wasn't being difficult. "Go and get changed for PE, we'll be having words later!" Mr bell and Mrs Carter took jordan outside to deal with him. "Kid, we aren't going to let you fight your brother" mr bell told Jordan. Mr bell was holding jordan who was still angry and trying to get out of his grip. Mrs Carter stayed and also tried to get Jordan to calm down. "Get of!" Jordan yelled, still wriggling out of mr bells strong grip onto him. "Jordan calm down!" Mr bell said, raising his voice. "Breath jordan" Mrs Carter said, slightly softer. Jordan calmed down a bit and stopped trying to get out of mr bells grip. His lip had dripped some blood on his shirt and mr bells hands. "Thanks kid" mr bell said jokily about the blood. Mrs Carter chuckled. "Right, come to my office and we'll deal with it" Mrs Carter told Jordan. He looked at mr bell who nodded at him reassuringly. "Your not going to tell me dad are you miss?" He asked. Mrs Carter raised her eyebrows at jordan and went back into the school and to her office. Jordan and mr bell followed her to the office. All 3 of them sat down and Mrs Carter called Kevin Wilson.

Hi mr wilson, it's Mrs Carter here, from ackley bridge college. I'm phoning to let you know that cory and Jordan have had a fight. We obviously do not accept fighting in this school, even though it may have been a small fight, that got out of hand. Are you able to come in and talk about it? Ok great, we'll see you in five.

(Jess's pov again)

I heard about the brothers fight as the news travelled fast. I was worried about what had started it. I left my science class and went to the field where Cory was playing rugby. "Cory" I called over. He ran over smiling at me. "Alright jess" he smirked. "What's this about a fight" I questioned. He smirked again and lifted his fist up to show the cuts he got from punching Jordan. "You idiot!" I said to him. "Calm down" he told me. "No! You shouldn't have gone that hard. Whatever happened between you to, does not mean you beat him up infront of everyone!" I told him. "Whatever jess" he walked back of to everyone. I rolled my eyes and went back to the school building. I walked past reception and saw Kevin storming in to school.

Kevin stormed into the office and looked at mrs carter and mr bell and Jordan. "Why have I been called in here!?" He said aggressively to jordan. Jordan looked away from Kevin and looked at mr bell. "Well, uh, um" Mrs Carter stuttered slightly scared of Kevin. "Cory and Jordan got in a fight." Mr bell told him. "A fight." Kevin scoffed. "It's boys being boys!" Kevin added. "They were fighting about, Jordan's apparent baby" mr bell informed him. "What have I told you about that bloody baby! It's not yours. You ain't even got pubes, how could you have a kid." Kevin told Jordan, who wasn't even looking at him. "Cheeky sod isn't even listening to me!" Kevin said. "I'm sure he is, they were fighting about this baby, and then Cory took it too far. We've got cctv footage if you want to see it" mr bell informed him. Mrs Carter turned the computer around so kevin could see how the fight started and the actual fight. "Alright" kevin said after watching it.

"I think we'll stick cory in isolation for tomorrow, and then we can move on." Mrs Carter said. "And you can decide whether you want to take Jordan home now, or he can stay here. I think he's had a bit of a bad day" Mrs Carter said to Kevin. "He'll stay here, the thicko needs all the help he can get" kevin said, chucking to himself. He ruffled Jordan's hair roughly and walked out of the office.

"Can i just to back to lesson miss" jordan said. "Course, go to the bathroom first and wipe your lip up" Mrs Carter said, smiling at jordan. Jordan nodded and walked out the office.

"Poor soul" Mrs Carter said. "He can be trouble but he's a sweetheart really" she added. "Kevin's a piece of work" mr bell said. "God I know" Mrs Carter agreed.

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