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Everyone looked at kevin walk in and he stood there, smirking at everyone. "Why have I been called in here?! Because the babys being over dramatic." Kevin scoffed, looking at jordan next to mr bell and Mrs Carter . "No its serious, mr wilson" mr bell told him. "What he got in a fight?" Kevin chuckled. "He was beaten up by 4 year 12s, kevin".Mr bell informed him  "Let me have a look at him, I'll be the judge wether it's serious or not" kevin said.

Jordan stood up and walked over to kevin, slowly. Kevin grabbed his face and started pressing his thumb down on his eye and cheek bruises. "Ah dad stop" jordan said quietly, pulling away from Kevin. "Are you crying? Jesus I've raised a bloody girl" Kevin chuckled. "I ain't crying, you were just pressing to hard" jordan told him. Kevin leaned down and lifted up Jordan's shirt a little to see his rib. He pulled Jordan's trousers up for him, as half his boxers were showing. "Why did no one stop this fight then!?" Kevin spat after seeing all the bruises jordan had got. "We stopped it once we saw it" Mrs Carter told him. "Could have stopped it faster, look at him" kevin spat, sticking up for his son.

"We'll need to have a meeting with you, jordan, Riz and Sadiq, if that's alright with you?" Mrs Carter said to Kevin. "Fine whatever" Kevin said back. "Great, lets go through to my office. Mr bell please get Riz from isolation and send him to my office" Mrs Carter said, and they all walked out. Jordan stayed in the staff room, once everyone apart from Cory and myself had left.

Mr bell popped his head through the door. "Come on jordan, and jess your needed too" he informed me. "Ok, See you cory" i Said to him and followed them to the office. Mrs Carter was sitting by her desk and Kevin, jordan, Sadiq and Riz were sitting on the other side. I sat down by the side of the desk and mr bell subtly patted Jordan's shoulder to reassure him.

"Thanks for being here, everyone. You all know why we are here, and I want to find out everything that went on, because it is completely unacceptable" Mrs Carter told everyone. "Jordan, do you want to tell me how it started sweetheart" she asked. "Riz were walking with jess, and I walked past them and then he pushed me" jordan told her. "That wasn't the best part though" Riz dropped in, laughing. "This isn't funny Riz." Mrs Carter told him seriously. "After that right, i picked him up and literally slammed him onto the floor" Riz told Mrs Carter. Mrs Carter typed everything the boys explained. "Jess is this all true?" She asked me. "Yeah so far" I told her. Jordan leaned on the desk, getting a bit bored. Kevin looked unbothered the whole time and sadiq and Riz would both look at jordan every now and then as if they were proud with all the cuts and bruises Riz had given him.

"Jess what happened after that?" Mrs Carter asked me, looking away from her computer and looking at me. "Well yeah he slammed jordan on the floor and then Jordan didn't get back up. Riz sat on jordan and punched him as hard as he could about 4 times, and then Riz started to just boot Jordan's body, and then like 3 of his mates joined in and they all started beating him up even worse, until cory and the teachers came over" I told Mrs Carter all at once. She typed it all up and then looked at all of us. "I have been sent a video of the incident from the cctv footage, and I'm going to show you, however it will not be shown to anyone else, apart from the governers" Mrs Carter informed all of us. She turned her computer around to show all of us, and sure enough it showed everything that happened, however it felt 10x worse watching it back, and seeing how rough they were on Jordan. We kept watching to where Jordan was getting held up by miss keane.

"He couldn't even stand up on his own!" Kevin exclaimed after seeing how badly his son got hurt by Riz and his mates. "Boys fight. I guess your boy just isn't the fighting type" sadiq said, whilst smirking. "Or your boy could fight someone his own size like my cory, not the little one" Kevin spat at sadiq. "Corys not even his size, you haven't got big lads, Jordan's smaller than my Alya " sadiq spat back, mockingly.

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