Straw Hat Hallucinations

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After that, the three practically flew to the bar where, as promised, was a large buffet set out for them.

Ace's eyes shined stars and he didn't even bother with a plate before digging straight in, inhaling the food like some sort of beast.

Sabo helped Luffy up onto the high seat and then sat down between Ace and Luffy. Being a bit more refined, he grabbed him and Luffy plates, then filled them up before devouring every last crumb he could find.

The brothers urged Luffy to eat something, and managed to get him to eat a bit of bread and meat after a few contests, but it still wasn't much.

They grew increasingly worried about Luffy's eating and wondered what had caused it.

Their worries were cut short when Thatch strolled up to the bar for some conversation.

He smiled at Ace and Sabo who were still nomming away at their meal, but faltered slightly when it came to Luffy.

"Hey Luffy! Is something wrong with the food? I can make you something else if you want, just name it," Thatch offered.

Luffy's eyes widened as he realised what the chef was implying, and began waving his hands in objection.

"No no! The food fine I'm just.." He looked down at the floor, which seemed so far below him now, "I'm not hungry," he finished in a mumble.

Thatch's lips twitched downward at the straw hat kids demeanor. It didn't stay though and the smile was back at full strength just as quickly as it'd weakened.

"Awe, are ya sure? I could make you some desert or something, I won't tell anyone," he winked.

Luffy looked up at Thatch, his eyes distant. "No thank you," he stated quietly, grabbing Sabo's arm and squeezing it slightly.

"Are you sure Luffy?" Sabo coaxed as well, "That's a preettyy good offer. "

Luffy didn't respond, but instead focused back into the ground below, holding tightly to Sabo's arm.

Sabo and Ace sighed and shook their heads at Thatch.

Thatch leaned in closer to the boys and kept his voice low. "How long has he been like that?" He asked in concern.

Both boys shrugged and Ace whispered back, "I think since we've been on the ship. We can't figure out why though. He used to eat even more than me, so we're kinda worried."

All three glanced at Luffy with different expressions. Thatch was staring in shock and awe.

This kid used to eat more than Ace!? He looked at the hundreds of empty plates that already filled the counter and was still being added to.

He couldn't possibly imagine any kid, especially someone as small as Luffy, putting down that much food. It couldn't be possible... Right?

Thatch was abruptly pulled from his delusions by someone in the kitchen calling his name. He sighed and looked at the boys before him.

"Well, guess that's my queue. See you guys later!" All three boys gave little waves as Thatch turned around calling out, "I'M HERE I'M HERE, stop yelling already- geez..."

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