Journey to the Unknown

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"That'll be 5.45 Sir, I can't go any lower than this. Take it or leave it" The Strawberry General Manager said, getting annoyed at my presence. I sighed...All for a Book and a Carrot?? The Carrot was only 75 Cents! And Journals don't cost that much! What is this price marketing? God damn it...

"Damn it...Fine" I took out Six Dollars and placed it on the counter, the seller sliding me the journal and wrapped up carrot toward me. The Manager grabbing my money and putting it in the cashier, ringing a Cha Ching! Sound. He counted the money, rustling in it for my change. I placed the Book in my Small Satchel...Maybe I should market for a new one. Store more inventory. God damn...How can the average person afford these things? Only have a dollar per person?

"I know, times are tough partner. That massacre in Blackwater did a real Inflation on the economy. I wish I could make my prices lower but I have a family to tend for. I really am sorry" Handing me back the change. I simply nodded...I guess he does have a point...Prices are too high for this but...People need money to thrive, grow, and care for families...

"Keep the Change...You need it more than I do" I turned around and left, hearing him pocket the change..."Thanks" I barely heard, opening the door to see my Hitched horse...She's probably hungry...That Carrot might not have filled her up with that Journey...I unwrapped the orange Carrot, a Pure Clean one...Should help her out. I walked over to her, passing by houses and the small sheriff's office. Both of them drinking and making fun of the inmates from what I can see through the window. 

"Here Girl" I said, patting the back of her neck as I lifted my carrot up to her, she bent down and snatched the carrot out of and hand, chewing and biting it. Sheesh...I can barely take care for this horse...I might need to sell it and buy a Cheap Horse...All though I don't want to...I dig into my Pocket, pulling out pieces of Coins...Only a dollar and Twelve Cents...Barely enough for me to afford a meal...I can't take care of my horse much longer...I do have an Apple...I'll keep it for her...Use it as a Last use of Strength...Damn...

I lifted the reins off the post, grabbing and pulling myself onto my Horse...Ambarino isn't too far now...Maybe take a days Journey to get up there...The sun was rising, slept in a camp near Blackwater...So now...I have time to travel. So, Might as well push up to the North...

"Come on Girl...Let's go" I led her out of the town of Strawberry, crossing the stream toward the North...Next Stop...Valentine, Livestock town to the Northeast...I'll change my plans, stick to civilized land for as long as I can before heading up to the unknown. I held the reins, slapping it down on my horse. "Hyah!" She picked up speed, acknowledging the change wanted and began sprinting. Heading off of my own land, West Elizabeth...

Into New Hanover...


A couple of hours have passed ever since I left Strawberry...It's easy to get lost here in uncivil land...Only pathways in the grass to lead you...And this map I grabbed really isn't helping much...But if it's helpful for one thing, it's for smacking flies near the dung of animals I pass by every so often...

"Come on girl...Get me to Valentine" I calmly petted her, hearing her comply and continue going down the path...It's a large piece of land, I should see it sometime in the Horizon. Or, Something at least...

"Hello? Someone please help! I'm trapped!" A feminine voice says...What the...? 

"Anyone?? Someone?! Please!" another callout...I walked down the pathway...The forest was to my right...Open ground to my left...And a dark sky was above me...Yep, Took me multiple hours to get me where I was...But her? This feels like a trap...

Suddenly, Along the edge of the pathway, I saw a woman completely stuck underneath a dead horse...Blood covering her clothing as she tried pulling out...I have to help! I can't just leave her here to die...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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