From across the Cafe, Massie was giving her a smug look, lips tilted upward in a smirk as her amber irises shined with amusement. The girl crossed her legs and sent her a mocking wave, a flutter of the fingers that mimicked the one she had given Claire yesterday. She smirked at the girl, making her proud look falter as she chuckled under her breath, steadfastly turning away from her and practically feeling the girl's heated glare burn holes into her back. Allie-Rose and her best friend, Becca Wilder, who she'd become well acquainted to after the movie and subsequent ice cream pig-out last night, flanked her on either side as they finally swept past the open doorways and onto a cement pathway.

"This doesn't seem worth it, Adrieux," Derrick muttered as they stood in front of the so-called Mobile Learning Vehicles. There were three of them, for they were most certainly expecting a mix of sixth, seventh and eighth graders, not an entire cluster of the most popular eighth graders in school.

"It will be," Cassia said lightly, already imagining the multiple changes she'd be making to the exterior of the dingy-looking trailers. Derrick huffed, stuffing his hands into the front pocket of his skinny jeans and looking entirely unamused. She frowned at him and snapped her fingers in his face, making him jolt in surprise. "Trust me, will you? By tomorrow everything will be perfect."

Derrick sighed and shook his shaggy hair from out of his eyes. "If you say so."

"When have I ever disappointed you?" Cassia asked, pulling a tube of gloss from her tote bag's inner pocket and swiping the lavender-scented, shimmery gloss against her lips, rubbing them together so that the fine glitter particles dispersed.

Cam frowned at her words, but she nudged him, wrapping her hand around his forearm and squeezing gently as she pressed into his side. He was taller than her by a few inches, even in her low heels, so when she turned her head to the side her lips were right by his chin. "You know you don't have anything to worry about," she murmured reassuringly.

She and Derrick had gotten close over the few weeks that he'd been away at summer camp. They had originally met through Cam, but began a friendship of their own without the need for his inclusion when he'd been gone the last month of summer to go to camp. They'd spent quite a bit of time together lounging around Westchester and she was well aware of the fact that Cam often felt threatened when they were together, leading to his rather possessive hold on her whenever the trio was together. She knew he didn't totally trust Derrick with her from how buddy-buddy they had become in his absence; bonding over their similar taste in music, and the dislike of the diva-like Westchester girls (he had often ranted about his hatred of his ex, but had always kept her unnamed until she had figured it out for herself yesterday) and their love of all things junk food. Her feelings toward the brown-eyed boy, however, were completely platonic, brotherly at the most, what with their similar sense of humor and leadership tendencies, but she supposed that Claire had given him major trust issues - trust issues that she hoped to rectify with her own loyalty.

She nuzzled into the crook of his neck and his arm, near immediately, as if it were meant to be there, wrapped around her waist and she smiled into his neck, placing a tiny kiss to his jaw that left a shiny imprint in the shape of her heart-shaped lips. He relaxed, and looked down at her with a small smile. It wasn't the usual adoring grin that he reserved for her, but it was better than the frown that had turned down his lips before. He pressed a kiss to her temple, his thumb soothingly stroking the small exposed space between her pants and top as his arm swept underneath her crushed velvet jacket.

"We're okay?" She asked softly.

Cam nodded, "Yeah, we're okay."

"C'mon," this she said louder, so that the whole group around them could hear as she jerked her head towards the trailer. "Let's check it out." Cam practically stayed glued to her side, acting as a barrier between her and Derrick, as she began sashaying to the door, making her way carefully up the creaky, wooden steps. I swear, if this trailer breaks my heel, I'm suing, she thought with a wince as the board under her creaked dangerously. Plovert, the dear, was holding her lunch tray with his own as she pushed open the squeaking metal door.

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