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Main Street

Massie's Range Rover

Saturday, September 20th

1:39 PM

"Is that . . . Kristen and Claire?"

"What?" Massie replied sharply. Her head turned to Dylan's so fast that she almost got whiplash. The redhead was staring out the window with a pinched look on her face as they rumbled at the red light of the main intersection.

"Across the street—the ice cream shop," she said slowly, as if she still couldn't wrap her mind around it. "Why would Kristen be meeting with Claire?"

Massie quickly unbuckled her seatbelt to lean over Alicia, looking through the window with narrowed amber eyes that only widened as she caught sight of the two blondes right by the window proclaiming the shop as Ben's Ice Cream. Her mind whirled at a million miles a second as she tried to comprehend what exactly she was looking at. Kristen had chosen a shop that wasn't usually on route to the salon and spa they'd been going to for years; except that the usual street they took from her house was closed from an accident yesterday that took out a streetlight. Kristen, of course, had no way to know that. Even Massie herself had only found out when Isaac had told them they'd need to leave ten minutes earlier to make their two o'clock appointment.

Not only had Kristen chosen an out of the way shop, she'd chosen a shop that she wouldn't be caught dead in. They usually went to the new luxury Parisian ice cream shop that had opened up near the park, and if not that, then at least the Italian gelato place in the plaza or gourmet frozen yogurt shop some twenty doors down Main.

And then, coupled with all of that, was the fact that Kristen had lied. She'd told them she'd needed to run an errand for her mother ("Sorry, Mass, but she'll ground me if I don't get it done.") and they'd meet at the salon as soon as she was finished. She watched Kristen giggle behind the glare of the window as she lifted a spoon of ice cream to her mouth, her lips thinning to a line.

"I thought she said she had to do something for her mom," Alicia said slowly, her tone as confused as she felt.

"She did," Massie replied sharply. She turned away from the car window, amber eyes hard and cold. "Isaac, we're going to need to make a little detour to Ben's Ice Cream."

Isaac looked at her in the mirror, and her frown deepened as she noticed that oh-so annoying glint in his eye; it was the one that meant she was about to receive a lecture about kindness and values and other things that Massie thought were irrelevant. After all, what would Isaac know about being a Middle School girl in the middle of a social crisis? It was that same glint in his eye that preceded the lecture he gave her about Claire so long ago when she first came to Westchester, and look at how that turned out. Nothing Isaac said could be trusted, so as he opened his mouth to say something that would most certainly be self-righteous, she huffed, leaned back rather heavily in the leather upholstery, simultaneously crossed her arms and legs and then systematically rolled her eyes just as the first syllable left his mouth—the perfect image of an absolutely unbothered yet absolutely annoyed teenage girl.

"You shouldn't walk in there with assumptions-"

"Oh, spare me," Massie mumbled, Alicia and Dylan snickering appropriately.

"-Massie. They never lead to anything good."

"Puh-lease, Isaac. What possible explanation could there be for Kristen to be hanging out with Kuh-laire who has been declared persona non grata since, like, forever," Massie said with a huff, flicking the ends of her long bob over her shoulder.

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