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Briarwood-Octavian Country Day School

Overflow Trailers

Tuesday, September 15th

7:54 AM

Cassia grinned brightly, pearlescent, never-needed-braces teeth shining under the amber lights of the overflow trailer. She delicately picked up the envelope on her desk, fingering the costly parchment stationery between her thumb and forefinger as her eyes traced over the curling calligraphy of her name. It was elegantly done, the sweeping lines of an expensive calligraphy pen telling her that Cam must've paid for the custom writing, especially since it was hand-done and not printed in a similar Edwardian font. Her smile softened with fondness as she broke upon the wax seal. She wished she could've saved it, for it was the glittering imprint of a rose in metallic red wax, but pushed that to the side of her mind as she gently pulled out the equally rich (maybe even richer) square of parchment with a printed note.

I'm sorry, Cassia

Let me make it up to you

Meet me in the storage room - room 004

- Cam

She swooned, eyes glittering with elation as she clutched the note close to her chest. Cam had forgiven her! She quickly turned on her heel, bright smile not fading as she walked down the cobblestone pathway, the same way she had come. Vanessa had been walking towards the overflow trailers, only for her to stop in her tracks and her eyebrows to furrow at the sight of a happy Cassia. Yesterday the girl had been downright depressed, so her sudden exuberance and joy was such a stark contrast to her former persona.

"'Nessa," Cassia called giddily, steps quickening until she was right in front of her and shoving a small piece of paper into her face. Her eyes were only just able to scan the cursive words before she was pulling it back against her chest and sighing dreamily in a nauseating way that made her wrinkle her nose. Ugh, she thought, love was disgusting.

"So, Cam's finally ready to stop being an idiot?" Vanessa asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes," Cassia said dreamily, before she was suddenly gripping the girl's wrist and stalking off to the school with Vanessa stumbling behind.

"Jesus, Cas', give a girl a warning next time." She huffed, coming into step beside her. "Also, if you make me late for class, I will kill you."

Cassia gave her an amused smile. "Noted."

A wave of cooling air hit them as they entered through one of the exit doors, steps moving from being muted against the cobblestone to clacking rather noisily against the polished school floors. The school was already filled with students since there was only a little under five minutes before first period. Vanessa glared down anyone who looked at them too long, doing so with double the heat towards anyone that looked as if they wanted to come up to Cassia and ask for an autograph or some other nonsense. They were definitely going to be late for first period, but she didn't want it to be for a stupid amount of time. The longer it took, the more likely she would get detention, which just was not on her to-do list for today.

Thankfully, they reached the storage room only seconds after the first bell rang, Cassia only growing more joyful the closer and closer they got to Room 004. Her head popped up into the small, square windowpane of the door that led into the room, only for her face to fall rather dramatically. She stumbled back as if she'd been slapped, almost tripping and falling to the floor in her heels.

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