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The Castilla Adrieux Estate

Cassia's Suite

Saturday, September 20th

10:11 AM

"Sissy?" The gilded handle leading into her suite slowly pushed downwards. The door opened a smidgen in consequence before the handle was released with a soft 'thwack' sound as it went back to the original position. The door pushed open further and a small head with a mop of short hair, so reminiscent of her own curls, popped into the space between the door and the doorway. "Sissy?" Her little brother cooed again, tilting his head in confusion.

A small, pudgy, dimpled hand pushed the door open completely. He toddled into the room, his small, socked feet slapping against the hardwood with each step across the floor. She wiped away the beads of tears lingering on her lower lashes, knowing that her eyes must be quite red --especially in conjunction with her almond skin-- and that her under eyes would be noticeably puffy as well.

"What is it, Achille?" She asked, sniffling from her stuffed nose—the outcome from too much crying.

"You're sad," he said, huffing slightly in exertion as he pulled himself up onto her bed where she was leaning against the headboard with one too many pillows in her arms.

"Only a little bit," she replied softly.

"Nuh-uh, a lotta bit!" He denied, crawling across the bedspread till he was leaning against the headboard as well, looking up at her with large, doe-shaped, brown eyes.

"Okay, maybe a lotta bit," she sniffed, rubbing at her stuffy nose with the back of her wrist before giving him a reassuring smile. "But I'll be okay soon."

He tilted his head, giving her a shrewd look. His eyes narrowed in concentration and his small lips pursed almost calculatingly as he stared at her—it looked absolutely adorable on him. She let out a short laugh, reaching forward to ruffle his hair. "What's that look for?" She asked amusedly.

"You were sad yesterday too, and the day before . . . and the day before that," he said matter-of-factly. Her smile faltered. "And you're even sadder now, Sissy," he frowned. "When is soon?"

Her eyebrows furrowed as she opened her mouth, but not a single sound swept past her lips. She didn't know when 'soon' was. She was, for a lack of better words, absolutely heartbroken. Her hopes had been so high after her talk with Derrick Monday night and the note on her desk that terrible morning. Such a lightness had filled her chest as she'd been reassured that, yes, Cam still did want to be with her, only for those hopes to be dashed within a second.

The breath that had left her mouth afterwards had been almost strangled at the sight of the boy she undoubtedly loved kissing his ex. Her hand had clapped over her mouth before the sob that had been aching to force its way up her throat in a cry could pass her lips, and she'd left, hopefully before Vanessa could catch wind of her whirlwind emotions and the tears leaking from the corners of her eyes.

It was as if a stake had been stabbed into her heart, twisting its way deeper with the only goal to cause her pain. She had clutched her hand over her chest as she walked quickly through the halls towards the front doors, as if she could somehow keep the hurt at bay with simple willpower. She'd thought that she'd known what heartbreak felt like when she had to break up with Cole almost two years ago, but that was nothing like the broken feelings that were careening through her, pushing everything else away with its strength. She had the urge to scream and cry at the same time; to lash out and throw something at the wall while wanting to curl up in a ball and never come out at the same time. It had been disorienting. She'd never felt so strongly before, and it wasn't until she was finally ensconced within the safety that was the backseat of her Rolls Royce that she was finally able to let out her heartbroken wails. She wondered, vaguely, if anyone had been able to hear her cries through the car.

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