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Vegas was different this time around. We'd played the Golden Knights here a few months ago, but we'd had little time to explore and enjoy the city. Now was different.

I got out of my cab in front of the tall hotel. I'd check in to my room then looked for some guys to hang out with. I wondered if Pat, Duncan, or Robin were here yet. With my bags in hand, I headed inside the massive double glass doors.

There was no reason to worry about who was here yet. I found myself in line behind Vancouver Canucks defenseman Quinn Hughes. The defenseman and I had talked periodically over the years, both of us close and age. I never went a season without running into him on an opposing team. We'd even played together for a short stint. His brother, Jack, had been second in the draft right behind me. Both Hughes brothers were decent friends that I was glad to see.

Quinn turned, finally noticing me. He grinned, slapping at the fellow Canucks player next to him.

"Hey, Eli, Holy One's here." I rose an eyebrow.

"Holy One? That's new Quinny." The Canucks player waved his hand dismissively.

"Nah. Whole league's been calling you that. I'm just spreading the news." I shook my head, glancing around the room.

"Who else is here? Any of my boys yet?"

"Uh, yeah I think so. Kaner and his girl came a bit ago." I nodded, hoisting my bag up farther.

"Thanks." I'd text him in a bit. Quinn nodded. Before he fully turned away, a thought crossed his face.

"Hey, bunch of us are going out later. Want to come?" I could assume what he meant by 'going out.' I frowned, but accepted the offer. I could still have a good time. Even if I had been twenty-one, I doubted that I would be drinking.

"Yeah, sure." Quinn grinned at me.

"Awesome. Meet down here at nine, a'right?" I nodded in response. The defenseman and his teammate turned away, moving to the desk to check in. I took the time to look around the lobby.

In a set of comfortable chairs to my left, there lounged some familiar figures. I grinned immediately. The second I'd checked in, I headed to them. Quinn was already there, just as good friends with the two brothers as I was. From years of hockey, the Hughes, the Tkachuks and I had become good friends. Despite how far apart we lived, the five of us always found a way to meet up and act like idiots. I had a feeling this wouldn't bring exceptions.

Matthew grinned when he spotted me. He was on his feet in a second, holding out a hand. I took it, smiling right back.

"Little Ty! Holy shit man, feels like forever!"

"I know. Didn't get a chance to talk to you last time we played you." Matthew's face soured.

"Don't think I wanted to. You dragged us around like rag dolls." I raised my eyebrow, debating commenting on the irony of that statement.

"I wasn't the only one, apparently."

"Oh shut the fuck up you little shit." Matthew shoved my shoulder roughly. I laughed loudly. "I didn't see you getting into any fights, Mr. Captain."

I shrugged. "I don't fight."

"Should've. I would've gone after Muzzin." I narrowed my eyes sarcastically.

"I survived without fighting. Maybe next season. Had to set that debut with a good record, ya know?"

"Bah. I got in about six fights my rookie year. Brady did too, I think." His shorter haired brother stopped talking, looking over at us.

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